Christmas is only 11 months from today. Determine a pay period budget for Christmas spending and between now and Thanksgiving purchase at least 1 gift per pay period. If you get paid 2X a month or every two weeks you will have purchased at least 20 gifts by Thanksgiving. A theme for gifts, like I suggested a few weeks ago for birthday giving, will help in this area as well. Always have your shopping list with you and if you see a bargain you will have the money to pick it up and mark it off the list. Keep the money designated for gifts as cash, separate from other monies. This will prevent over spending or using the money for another purpose. Do not set a per person budget, as you may find an item for one person at a better sale price than the item you have chosen for another person. It is the gift that counts, not what you spent on it. A simple idea would be a small personal blanket and book/books. Depending on your budget you could add a book light to the package. This past year I picked up personal size blankets all year when I found them on sale until I had the number I needed. By following my list I knew how many female colors and male colors I needed, as well as adult or child. Then I shopped bargain tables, yard sales, and library sales for new books. You will find many new books at these types of sales. By the time I was ready to wrap gifts each grandchild had 4 - 5 books each and that was for 12 grandchildren. I added a stuffed animal, craft project kit, or other small gift as an extra in each one. The theme was appropriate for all ages and I had so much fun sorting through blankets and books picking who would receive which ones. This years theme is PJ's and fun pillows or pillow cases. I will once again add a book, game, stuffed animal etc. to each gift from the items I collect over the year. Be creative with your theme and share with the rest of us any ideas you have.
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