Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tip of the Day 5/18/11

Day 3 of Dirty Jobs-The Garage:  This tip is for people who actually park their cars in the garage instead of using them as a storage facility.  The garage gets very dusty and filled with cobwebs around the ceiling and floor.  First clear out the junk that has accumulated through the winter months.  Some of us live in cold climates where we don't go into the garage for several months except to get in and out of the car.  We put things out there thinking we will get to them in the Spring.  Well, it is Spring so time to face the music.  Throw out the trash, straighten the shelves, get rid of broken and unused items.  Now you are ready to clean.  Just like you would inside the house start at the top and work your way down.  Using a long handled Swiffer or broom sweep across the ceiling and then down the walls and door.  Sweep the floor paying attention to corners where dirt and cobwebs accumulate.  Lastly clean the windows.  Now you have a clean "room" so if it rains on Memorial Day weekend you can move the grill under the overhang, set up tables and have a semi-outdoor cookout.  Of course your cars will thank you for a nice clean place to park as well.  As for those of you that use the garage as a storage locker--in the words of Bob Newhart "STOP IT!!!"     

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