Friday, October 14, 2011

Tip of the Day 10/14/11

A few more tips to bring together an awesome Holiday Event:

1) Use Plasticware instead of the good stuff you would have to wash.

There are so many pretty ones to choose from and I recommend using them unless you are

doing a small sit-down dinner party.

2) Prepare as many of the dishes in advance and freeze them.

If you plan to do most of the cooking this will save you a lot of time on the day of the event.

3) Accept all offers "to bring something" to the party.

If someone asks, even if you had planned to cook everything choose something that is not

integral to your menu, but is needed to complete the meal.

4) Consider hiring a couple of teenagers to clean for you before and after the event.

It won't cost that much and will save you a lot of work. Check with your church youth

group for kids looking to raise money for mission trips.

5) Plan an afternoon or morning event so as not to conflict with all the obligations people have

during this season.

Brunch is a great meal to plan for and host.

As I have encouraged all week, just go for it this year. Step out and do something you have always wanted to do.

Enjoy the weeks to come.

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