Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tip of the Day 2/23/12

Are you looking in your closet seeing inspiration and less confusion? Now you can evaluate your needs. Do you have the basics to really wear what is in there? You need a basic white top and black top, a pair of black pants, black skirt, a good fitting pair of jeans and the little black dress. Start with these essentials and build up. Tomorrow, what to add.
Word for Today, Lamp: The right light creates ambiance in a room. It can make a room warm and cozy, or bright and stark, or dark and dingy. Bright lamps are necessary to do work and a nightlight is comforting. "The lamp of the body is the eye. If your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light." What is passing through your eye into your body? Is it pure lighting your path, or dark causing you to stumble?

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