Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tip of the Day 9/4/12

111 Days 'til Christmas: That probably isn't the subject line you wanted to see immediately following "99 Days of Summer" and on the first day of school. However, it should give you hope because it is more days than Memorial Day to Labor Day. The key to seeing that number is what you will do with each of those days. Will you use them wisely, or when you see the count
down at, 31 days 'til Christmas, will you panic? By establishing a plan now, you can enjoy all 111 days and relax during the entire holiday celebration. Summer is a time of, spontinaity, Fall brings routine. This can be good, if we use routine wisely, instead of being stressed by it. We all have calendars that look full, especially if you have children still at home, and if you work, and if you volunteer, and if you have a life, period. By pre-planning your day, week, and month, you can lower your stress level. I start by looking at the big picture, what do I need, or desire, to accomplish between now and the holidays? I know I want to wash the outside of the windows and clean the furniture. I need to finish making and purchasing birthday and Christmas gifts. Apples will be ready to make sauce in a few weeks. We are going to Shreveport at Thanksgiving and I want to take the pictures I have been sorting for my daughter, as well as Christmas gifts with. The curtains need to be washed after windows being open for the summer. This is the big picture, projects that are not weekly or everyday routine, so which Month should I plan to do each one. What are the activities that I need to accomplish each week is next in my planning. Every week I know I need to type worship and the prayer list, once a month is the addition of the bulletin which includes planning the menu for Cafe' Calvary. I also have a Sunday School lesson to prepare each week, and in the Fall is the addition of my Ladies Bible Study prep. By knowing my regular activities, I can easily look at the extras and see where to plug them in. This week I know I need to finish up Christmas and Birthday gifts to take with when I go to Oklahoma next week. We also have a visitation to attend Thursday evening and an event to work on Friday evening. Add to that one less day in the week for routine and I will only plan on one big task this week. There is a 1/4 bushel roma tomatoes in my kitchen to be dried and along with my other prep for Oklahoma, I will not pursue any of the other "biggies" on my list. Start this short, busy week by listing what you hope, and need to accomplish this Fall. We will make it to a restful holiday season together.
Word for Today, Sit: As you know, I am not a sitter. I have a tendency to be more Martha of Bethany (ok, Stewart), than Mary. That is why I take the time to read God's Word before I get out of bed. I am called to care for my home and husband, but if I neglect my soul, I am not good for anything. So, I established a good routine for me, put a load of laundry in the washer, reheat the cup of tea
my hubby made for me before he left, pick up the Bible he left next to the cup of tea (we read the same one in the morning as a way of drawing us closer), crawl back in the bed and read. I have started my responsibilities for the day and then am not distracted as I spend my needed time with my Father. I love to get lost in His word and don't want to put it down. It is a time of fellowship and communication. I may read verses that have been turned into a song I know, and I sing the full song before I read further, a verse may speak something to me that reminds me of something else I have read and I need to look that up and then contemplate it. It is possible to spend time most days in real fellowship with my Creator. There is a little story I love titled, My Heart-Christ's Home by Robert Munger. It is about a man that meets with the Savior every morning, they enjoy sweet fellowship by the fire. The man grows, but as time goes by he gets busy and doesn't stop by the fire every morning. One morning he happens to notice the fire burning in the hearth in the room where he always met with Jesus, so he steps in and finds Jesus sitting in the chair where He always sat. When the man expresses his surprise, Jesus explains that He has still been there every morning waiting. As you begin your Fall routine, kids off to school, regular work hours again, full schedules of activities, homework, etc., or an empty house for the first time, establish a routine for meeting time alone with your Heavenly Father. You will find the sacrifice of your time is nothing compared to the sacrifice He made for you. "Take heed, and be quiet; do not fear or be fainthearted." "Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still." "Be still, and know that I am God."

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