Friday, August 12, 2011

Tip of the Day 8/12/11

It's Friday, the day most of us look forward to every week, the beginning of the weekend and usually something fun. It seems like the perfect day to make a list of the things you would like to accomplish with the rest of your life. When I turned 50 I took a step back and asked myself what I wanted to do with the second half of my life and what I needed to do to get to that goal. I made a job change that led to a higher pay so that I could work toward leaving the regular work force and start the business of my dreams. I didn't know how long it would take to get there, but I had a goal. Now I am running the business I have dreamed of for years. If we don't set goals we will never reach them. Maybe you are a working Mom that would love to be home with her children. I have a friend that she and her husband have sacrificed living in a location (state) they really loved to move to a location where they could afford for her to stay home and be with their child. God is honoring their decision. Our goals take sacrifice on our part. Maybe it means going back to school and living on beans and Mac and Cheese for a couple of years to move into the career you have always desired, maybe it means sacrificing one or two evenings a week in front of the TV to learn a new skill, etc. Don't limit yourself as you set your goals. Really take the time to think about what would make you happy. We weren't given life to live it miserably, we were given life to live it abundantly. What does the abundant life look like to you? I know Who has given me abundant life and I praise Him daily for the life I live in Him!!!

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