Monday, August 22, 2011

Tip of the Day 8/22/11

We are in what many consider the last weeks of Summer. Kids have already started school in a lot of places. I am so thankful our school districts follow the tradition of not starting school until after Labor Day. Our nights are getting cooler and all the stores are filled with Fall clothing and I even saw Halloween items out as I did my shopping last week.

Now is a great time to repeat some of the things we have done at the beginning of other seasons. A good place to start is in the closets. A while back I suggested hanging all of your clothing in the closet with the hangers facing the opposite direction as you normally would, then when you wear an item hang it back up normally. This is an easy way to determine what you have actually worn throughout a season. If you did this at the beginning of the summer you should have some items now easily identifiable as ready to be removed from your wardrobe.

Remove anything not worn, that no longer fits, you don't like, etc. Place in your car so that the next time you are near the thrift store you can drop the items off. Or, if you like to have garage sales, set them aside in a designated area of the basement or garage for that event. Be thorough as you go through the items, if you didn't wear it this year, you aren't going to wear it next year. Let it go.

Now you will be ready to move all of those beautiful Fall pieces into the closet.

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