Tip of the Day 6/20/12
Days of Summer: We have already been enjoying many weeks of summer
temperatures and activities. For most of us we view Memorial Day as the
official start of summer and that is what the "99 Days of Summer" is
based on, Memorial Day to Labor Day. However, today at 7:09 PM EDT is
the official Summer Solstice. This is when the sun reaches its furthest
point north of the equator. The sun
appears to stand still and we experience the longest day of the year.
This would be the perfect day to do something you can only do in the
summer. A lot of our summer activities can be done at other times of
the year, but there is one you can only experience in the summer,
watching the fireflies come out. If you have never experienced the
beauty of this, plan a vacation to an area where you can. It is worth
it. Enjoy every minute of today.
for Today, Fair: There is a story in the Bible about workers being
hired at different times of the day, but all being paid the same. The
workers that labored 8 hours didn't think it was fair that the ones that
only worked 2 hours were paid the same amount. The employer kept his
part of the agreement and therefore it was fair. So many people
complain about unfairness, and yet if we have entered
into an agreement with someone, whether it is an employer or sales
agreement or other transaction, if both parties act according to the
original agreement, it is fair. Whining has become an epidemic, someone
else is always at fault. When we do not feel we are being treated
fairly we need to examine our own actions first. Have I done all I
agreed to do in this agreement. It is hard to examine our own hearts
and acknowledge we are wrong, but if we follow David's example and
acknowledge our own failures we too can be called, "a (man) after God's
own heart." That is fair. "Each one will receive his own reward
according to his own labor."
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