Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tip of the Day 6/21/12

99 Days of Summer: Strawberries are one of the sweetest things about early summer. Today would be a great day to find a u-pick field and have some fun. If you can't indulge in picking your own, at least buy a quart and enjoy a fresh strawberry salad and then shortcake for dinner tonight. I am hungry just thinking about it.
Word for Today, Others: There is a commercial currently on TV that I actually enjoy seeing. It portrays people doing what we have come to know as "paying it forward." "Random Acts of Kindness" has become a catch phrase in our society. So often, it seems, the news only tells us about the ugliness that people commit toward their fellow man and then they tag a "feel good" story on the end of the broadcast. It is like being kind to others is an after thought and sadly the exception to man's behavior. Would that we would purpose in our hearts to, "let each esteem others more highly than himself." What can you do for someone else today? "Jesus of Nazareth...went about doing good."

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