Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tip of the Day 7/31/12

99 Days of Summer: Several of you have commented or sent me messages regarding my six month shopping plan. I hope that by walking you through the steps this week you will see it really is not difficult and can actually be a fun adventure. It is also a very realistic undertaking. I am not super woman, I have just developed a system that works really well and has literally saved us thousands of dollars over the past six years. Just like the woman that developed the 30 days of frozen meal plans which works for many people, I believe the system I have developed can work for many of you. Yes, it takes discipline, but it also takes desire. It is something I find very fun and rewarding. I know I am being a good steward of our finances and providing healthy and exciting meals for us. If you have looked at the pictures, or read the descriptions, of the meals I prepare, you know we eat very well. That is my purpose in those posts. I want you to be excited about preparing wonderful meals for your family. So, today is day two of my pre-shopping inventory. I will inventory all of my paper goods and cleaning supplies, as well as my freezer. As I inventory I am only counting unopened/unused items. I do not count the current tube of toothpaste or the open jar of Mayo in the fridge. The time I spend each day as I inventory is about 1 hour. I break it into several days because I have other things to do and don't want to spend all day on just the inventory. It is always fun discovering what I still have on hand and using up the last of items before I shop. This is also the way I clean up the shelves to prepare to add the new supply. I "rotate stock" so that the older items are used first. In case you are wondering, I do not live in a big house, I do not have a basement, and I do not have walk in closets or pantry. We live in a modest 3 bedroom ranch. I use the double sided closet in the family room for a pantry. Floor to ceiling shelves with can rotators store all of the canned and dry goods. I have a small pantry with 3 pull out shelves in the kitchen where I store baking goods. One upper cabinet holds spices and teas. We have a five foot tall upright freezer for meat and veges, the fridge freezer is used for frequently used items like ice cream, left overs, etc. We have 2 hanging cabinets and a set of shelves in the garage for paper goods and cleaning supplies. Toiletries are stored on two shelves in the linen closet. Hopefully, that picture will help you envision where you would be able to store items in your home. Remember, 6 month shopping is not for everyone, but I do believe everyone can benefit from a 1 or 3 month plan. Seriously consider the possibilities. Now I have some inventory to do.
Word for Today, More: As we closed out the day yesterday I was reading the latest updates on my Facebook from friends and saw where a young man, Nick, who we have known for many years, and his wife, Jessie, had their second child yesterday. They named him Joel. I also saw a posting of very close friends, Jodie, Perry, and Madison, who were in a bad car accident yesterday and narrowly escaped serious injury. My friend Erin posted a picture of herself out for an evening run, by doctors orders, with a heart monitor on, as they continue to determine the best course of action for her heart problem. My friend Linda will be having surgery tomorrow for an injury from the serious accident her family was in a few weeks ago. We were awakened early this morning to the sound of a huge storm rolling in off the Lake and were pummeled with hail and high winds for about 20 minutes. The grass is green again, but the plants are flattened. Richard is on his way, as I type this, to the bedside of a dying man, who he has been ministering to for a few weeks. Another friend, Jody, shared the sadness her family is going through as they watch their loved one, Norma, slip away into the shadow of Alzheimers. Because we have they ability to be connected with more people on a seconds notice, it seems there is always something MORE. It can be good, Joel's birth, frightening, the accidents, sad, the disease and death. So where do we turn in the midst of it all. This morning a portion of my Bible reading was the Book of Joel. If you have never read this wonderful little book in the Old Testament, take a few minutes to do so. It is only 3 chapters, but is filled with the hope and promise that God is aware of the MORE and He has a plan. He promises, "His grace is sufficient." He will "restore what the locusts have eaten." These are not just words on a page, they are the enduring promises of the Living God and there is so much MORE if you seek Him. "May the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory, by Jesus Christ, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you."

Monday, July 30, 2012

Tip of the Day 7/30/12

99 Days of Summer: As July comes to an end and we head into August, especially with the extremely hot and long summer this has been, our thoughts start turning toward fall. For many school will start in just a couple of weeks. I still feel this is WRONG! Summer vacation should be Memorial Day to Labor Day, and I will enjoy all 99 days of summer. Because I am a very organized person, I better be if I am going to run a business called Dee-Clutter, I like to have a basic plan of what my week will consist of. I am at home almost everyday, but contrary to popular myths, just because I no longer have children at home does not mean I watch TV or read all day. I truly believe in being a homemaker. To me this means getting back to the basics. When I made the choice to come back out of the full time work force it was with a two fold purpose, to make my home and teach others how to do the same. I did not like someone else cooking our meals (restaurants), doing my laundry (the dry cleaners), and cleaning my house ( I was ready to hire a house cleaning service). These are all things I wanted to be doing myself, but was too tired to do. Not everyone feels called to do these things and prefers a career, or is in a place in life where it is not realistic to be at home full time. We each have to find our place in this world. Over the past few months I have talked to many women who are desiring to get back to, or learn how to, take care of their own home. This week I would like to walk you through my process of shopping and saving maximum money and energy to keep our home running. About 6 years ago I read an article about a couple that decided to only shop once a year. They were able to get completely out of debt, except for their mortgage in that year. We decided to give their method a try starting with one month, then three months, and settled on six month increments. I have developed a system for fall/winter and spring/summer shopping. This week I will take you through my steps of preparing to do my fall/winter shopping. The date for our shopping is always determined by 3 paycheck months. Usually twice a year the calendar falls out that Richard has three paydays, instead of two. We use that third paycheck to shop. You will need to look closely at your personal budget to determine the best way to finance this method of shopping. One way is to shop for one month, set aside the money saved toward the next month, and continue until you reach the level you want to be at. One month shopping may work best for your family or six months might be the right thing. To start my process, today I will inventory all of our toiletries and personal care products. I have a master list I have put together, it is in my cookbook.   So, now I am ready to dig in. 

 Word for Today, Wisdom: When we hear this word it is easy to think it only applies to the major decisions in life, should I take that job, buy that house, marry this person, etc. But if we understood that wisdom is needed, and can be had, in every step of our life, we would have a much easier time. In the book of James, in the Bible, we are told, "if we lack wisdom, ask, and it will be given liberally." Some things in life we consider common sense, don't step in front of a moving car or walk on hot coals just because a self help guru tells you to. But I believe this is a form of wisdom. As we grow, we learn to discern right from wrong, good from bad, smart from dumb. If we are seeking to walk with our Creator in all ways then the discernment we have is wisdom from Him. The older I get the less I want to make choices on my own. I want, desire, and need my life to be guided by the wisdom that comes from above. Whether I am planning my menu for the week, preparing a Sunday School lesson or Bible study, or working with a client, I need wisdom beyond my ability in order to walk through life in peace. The wisdom I have for living life to the fullest did not come from text books, it comes from the One who gave me life. "Seek those things which are above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of the Father." "The wisdom that is from above." "Get wisdom! Get understanding."

Friday, July 27, 2012

Tip of the Day 7/27/12

99 Days of Summer: Now that the weekend is here I know many of your thoughts turn to shopping. Since we are celebrating Christmas in July this week, why not put some of that energy into Christmas shopping. There are awesome bargains to be had in end of the season sales. Think outside the box for your gift giving this year. Just because Christmas is in December it doesn't mean you have to give winter gifts. If you make your gifts check the clearance bins at your favorite craft stores as well. It may be 90 degrees now, but December will be here before you know it.
Word for Today, Family: Today is my grandson Seth's 14th birthday and my step-granddaughter Sarah's 8th birthday. We only have one month in the year, August, without a grandchild's birthday, but we have a daughter born in August. With 16 grandchildren, soon to be 17, and 2 greats, it is strange to have a month without a birthday for at least one. Along with all of these grandchildren, my daughters have also had 4 miscarriages between them. So, I have four more grandchildren I look forward to meeting some day. Coming from a small family I love having a large one now. The noise and energy when we get together is so fun and I love listening to the conversations, seeing the personalities of the kids as they grow, learning of their interests and hearing their dreams. Our family is not typical in many ways. Four of our daughters are adopted, one is Richard's daughter from a previous marriage, Seth is the birth son of a sister of a couple of our daughters, all of the girls have other siblings (only one boy among them), and yet it is the family God created. We are all different, yet we are one. I cannot imagine my life without each of them. Some circumstances are not what I desire, but I am learning, "all things work together for good." As we walk through this life God places people in our path that may surprise us, but if we get to know them we can learn from them. We are called to love unconditionally. Today I think about where or who Seth would be if Teresa had not taken him into her home. Where and who would my girls be? Where and who would I be without God welcoming me into His family? Family isn't always who we choose, it is who we choose to be to them. "Walk in love."

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tip of the Day 7/25/12

99 Days of Summer: One of everyone's favorite things about Christmas is the cookies. Every year I pull out my recipes and decide which ones I will bake. When the girls were still at home, we baked them all. Now that just Richard and I are here, I only bake a few kinds. It is hard to choose because we love them all. So summer is a great time to bake some I didn't make last December. So, today get out those recipes and choose a cookie to bake. A fun one for the kids would be the ones that look like melted snowmen. Perfect for Christmas in July.
Word for Today, The Road: As you know by now I am a big reader. One of the first poets I remember reading was Robert Frost and, like many of you, remember the line from The Road Not Taken, "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--I took the one less traveled by." One of our favorite activities is driving back roads we have never been down before. We never know what we will come across, but the beauty we encounter is worth it. As we take these roads we always stay on the roads that are marked, we do not venture off to gravel roads where we could get stuck or end up on private property. There is a wise way to travel and an unwise way. Yes, it is the road less traveled, and it can be bumpy and have pot holes, or become so narrow we don't know if we can make it through. It is tempting to give up and get back on the wide highway where traffic is moving quickly. But if we keep our eyes on the final destination, we will find beauty all along the way. On our path through life it is easy to want to get on the wide road with all the fun activities along the way. The narrow back road can appear boring and slow. But it is the path that is filled with beauty and leads to life. It is not always easy to stay on the narrow road, we are tempted by shortcuts or roads that look smoother. But, if we stay on that narrow path we will experience life to its fullest. "Behold, I set before you the way of life and the way of death, ...choose life." "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death."

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tip of the Day 7/23/12

99 Days of Summer: I grew up in the Southern Baptist church. My parents met at Falls Creek, a huge Southern Baptist Camp in Oklahoma, I had perfect attendance in Sunday School the first year of my life. We were always there if the doors were open. I have wonderful memories and lasting friendships from growing up immersed in the atmosphere of the church. I am grateful that it did shape my way of life, my choices, and my perspectives. One of my favorite activities was on Wednesday nights. The denomination has a huge heart for missions and Wednesday nights were devoted to the programs for all age groups where we learned about missionaries. It greatly influenced me and gave me a desire to travel, which is one reason I became a travel agent. Making a move to Africa felt like the culmination of all the things I learned on Wednesday nights. Each July we had a special event called "Christmas in July." We gathered gifts to be shipped to missionaries so they would reach them in time for Christmas. With temperatures in the 90's again this week it seems like a good time to enjoy some Christmas in July to cool off. Let's start the week by planning our Christmas list. Include the kids in this. Decide if you will chose a family in need to gift this year, or a missionary, or Operation Christmas Child, etc. There are many worthwhile organizations to gift through. School supplies are on the shelves already and end of season sales can both bring some good bargains. Let's have a holly jolly week.

 Word for Today, Without Ceasing: We are told in the Bible to pray without ceasing. As we go through our busy days it doesn't seem like that is a reasonable thing to do. How can I pray all the time? The older I get the more I have come to realize that I can spend all of my days with my heart to speak to, and hear from, my Savior. He guides me through my day, showing me which steps to take, someone comes into my mind and I offer a quick plea or thank you for them, a decision needs to be made and I know what to do. All of these things are being in a spirit of prayer. I shared this concept with my kids in Sunday School a few weeks ago, explaining that even as I am driving I can be praying (and usually need to be), this was to explain that we can pray even when we can't kneel and close our eyes and bow our heads. Jesus wants to talk to us, and with us, all day, every day. I have a friend, Miss Cathy, who years ago said prayer to her is like calling up Jesus in the morning and leaving the phone off the hook all day. So, call Him up and put Him on speaker phone. Your plan has unlimited minutes. "Without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers."

Tip of the Day 7/24/12

99 Days of Summer: How wonderful to be awakened in the night to the sound of rolling thunder. Even Sadie didn't seem to be frightened like she usually is. I think she knows how badly we need rain. With the clouds lingering, it seems like the perfect day for a Christmas in July movie day. Choose a couple of your favorite movies, make a cup of frozen hot chocolate, and enjoy. If it isn't cloudy or raining where you are, the sight of snow in the movies might help cool you off.

 Word for Today, Comfort: When the world seems to be crumbling around us and tragedy is around every corner, where can we find comfort? It is hard to even watch the evening news because we can be overwhelmed by the senseless hate and anger of man toward their fellow man. Richard and I love to go to Chicago and have been so saddened by the escalating violence that is happening. Yesterday he shared a news report with me of roving gangs that have created a "game" in which they pick a random person and see how many punches to the face it takes to knock them down. A man was killed this weekend by one of these attacks, 61 years old and the father of 12. The father of one of the attackers said, "he didn't mean to kill him, just punch him." How tragic that someone can defend this type of behavior. We are all just recovering from the frightening weeks of watching fire sweep across Colorado and now the theater shooting tragedy. As the world appears to be spinning out of control, where do we turn. There is a Rich Mullins song that talks about looking for answers, there is a line about following our nose, but every time you turn your head the direction changes. As we face personal lose or observe national tragedy, we cannot look within ourselves for the answers. God alone will offer us the peace that passes all understanding. He has given mankind a free will and we live with the consequences of the choices made by ourselves, as well as those made by our fellow man. But Jesus is waiting to offer comfort. "A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief." His heart breaks over the choices man makes. The shortest verse in the Bible reveals His heart about our world and the heartbreak we daily face, "Jesus wept." Seek Him today for the comfort you need. He will wrap you in His arms and weep with you.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Tip of the Day 7/20/12

99 Days of Summer:  I hope that based on my tip for yesterday you have chosen a mini-vacation destination for an up coming weekend. My choice is Italy. I don't know that we will ever actually make it there, but I am putting together plans for us to enjoy a weekend immersed in the culture, food, and music. Here are my ideas so far. I am going to attempt to make some basic pasta. The owner of the little veggie stand down the road says it is easy. She said to serve it with veggies cooked lightly in olive oil for an authentic dish. A stroll on the beach will be like walking the shore of the Mediterranean. An evening at one of our local vineyards strolling the grounds will be a great addition to the atmosphere. Walking to our local grocer and buying fresh bread, cheese and meat, then dining out on the balcony is a perfect Italian breakfast. Renting Vespa's from the shop downtown will be a great way to spend the afternoon, followed by a late lunch at the authentic Italian restaurant in town. We will buy Italian Ice and Pellegrino to enjoy while we watch "Roman Holiday" and a Rick Steves guided tour. And to top it off we will read highlighted passages from 'Under the Tuscan Sun" out loud. Please share what your plans are. Maybe we will go "visit" your favorite destination.

 Word for Today, Charity: Sometimes I wonder why things come into my mind in the middle of the night and I lie here thinking about them. Last night the word charity came into my mind, so I contemplated it. Some translations of the Bible use the word charity instead of love in 1 Corinthians 13 which is often called the "love chapter" of the Bible. So, my thought was they are a definition of each other. The word was probably in my mind because the past few weeks I have been reading about Louisa Mae Alcott. Her father held some very odd beliefs, but one thing that he did right was while their family lived in virtual poverty they continually gave to others. Charity is something that is usually hard for the receiver to accept, but is something the giver believes they must do. This is a true picture of God's love and Jesus' sacrifice for us. It is hard for many to accept His free gift of love. It seems too good to be true and so beyond what we deserve. But Jesus chose to give us this free gift of love and it breaks His heart when it is rejected. Have you accepted His charity? "Such a High Priest was fitting for us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners." "That you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation." "Jesus went about doing good."

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tip of the Day 7/19/12

99 Days of Summer: Let's take a mini vacation this weekend. Think of a place you have always dreamed of going, or a place you have been that you would love to return to, and plan a trip there this weekend. Gather pictures, books from the library, and videos to watch. Include videos like travel logs by Rick Steves or Burt Wolf as well as movies that take place in the location you have chosen. Plan meals for the weekend just like you would eat if you were there. Dress like you are there and plan activities that you would do if you were there. Immerse yourself in it and you will feel like you are a part of it.

 Word for Today, Rain: For those of you that live near me, I am sure you are not surprised to see my word today. Just like so much of the country, we have been experiencing a horrible drought and were blessed with a little relief through the night. As I lay in bed last night seeing the flashes of lightening and hearing the rolling of thunder my mind drifted to thoughts of how, if we listen, we can hear the sounds of God's voice rolling around us, but are we crying out for Him to pour His truth down on us. The thunder and lightening were wonderful to hear and see, but without rain to follow they didn't do any good. They actually could have brought fire on the land. What happens if we do not head the sound of God's voice? Will He continue to pour out His blessings on a dry and thirsty land? Are we listening as He speaks, are we heeding His direction, are we crying to Him to rain down justice and truth? I believe God is calling us to listen to Him. How long can we survive if we stop up our ears like a scared child when we hear the thunder and see the lightening. Now is time, today is the day, to stand up for what you believe and pray for God's truth to rain on a dry and thirsty land in need of His mercy and love. "As the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."

Tip of the Day 7/18/12

99 Days of Summer: Well, we have certainly entered "the dog days of summer." This would be a great time to visit your local dog shelter. Drop off a bag of food or treats, volunteer for a couple of hours, decide if a new pet is appropriate for your home. Remember to take extra care of the pets you have. The sidewalk can burn their paws if going for a walk, they should not be left outside for long periods of time, make sure they are staying hydrated, NEVER leave them in a vehicle. Love them, they love you.

 Word for Today, Tattoo: There has always been a lot of discussion within the church about whether tattoos are wrong. I believe it is a personal choice, just like getting your ears pierced. I have seen some beautiful tattoos and am not offended by having someone in a place of business wait on me unless the tattoo is offensive. But I wouldn't want someone waiting on me wearing a shirt with something offensive written on it. Some tattoos are deeply personal. Many parents have the names of their children or a tribute to a loved one. One of my favorite images in the Bible is that God has "inscribed me in the palm of His hand" and I am told to "set Him as a seal upon my heart." What could be more personal than that? So, if anyone asks about tattoos, I guess my answer is, I have one on my heart.

Tip of the Day 7/17/12

99 Days of Summer: Remember friendship bracelets? We braided them using embroidery floss and exchanged them with our friends Then we wore them until the fell apart. A few weeks ago I had the kids in Sunday School make a friendship bracelet and then choose a person to send it to that they wanted to tell about their friend, Jesus. They included a note asking if they had met Him. Facebook and other social media has reunited us with so many friends that we haven't talked to in years. Why not send a special note to one of those friends today telling them how much you appreciate their friendship. Have the kids make a bracelet and give it to someone that is a friend, or they would like to be their friend. I am grateful for all of you in my life, whether we have met in person, or only through FB, my life is enriched because you are in it.

 Word for Today, Iniquity: This is a word that is not used very often in modern speech. Often it is translated in the Bible as sin. I decided to look up the meaning of it since the verses in my devotion time this morning centered on it. The meaning that really struck me was, the twisting and bending of the truth. What a picture of man. This is not new behavior, man has always tried to bend the truth to fit his wants and desires. Whether the twisting is something as simple as justifying using the company Fax machine for personal use or taking home pens and paper clips or giving our own definition to a word to justify our actions, according to God, it is sin. Sadly we see Christians taking God's Word and twisting it to justify actions whether it is people protesting at a fallen soldiers funeral or living with someone when not married to them, in God's eyes it is all sin. We are ALL guilty. We tell ourselves, "i am not as bad as ...", but God doesn't measure our sin against another man, the standard is Jesus, and none of us can measure up to Him. I am so grateful that by simply asking, ALL of my failings, whether on purpose or inadvertently, are forgiven by the one without spot or blemish and are remembered no more. "If You, Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You, that You may be feared."

Monday, July 16, 2012

Tip of the Day 7/16/12

99 Days of Summer: I love wildflowers. One of my favorites here in our part of the world in chicory. It is so beautiful and this time of year the roadsides are covered with it and with Queen Anne's lace. They make a drive through town even prettier. When I was a little girl I remember taking walks with my mom and we would bring home cat tails to decorate with. Today would be a great day to pick some wildflowers and make an arrangement. If you have Queen Anne's lace, add food coloring to the water, snip the end of the flower and watch the flower change color. Try boiling the chicory and making "coffee" from it like they did during the great depression. Check out a book from the library on your local wildflowers and learn their names. There is a so much beauty all around us to enjoy.

Word for Today, Knowledge: The older I get, it seems the more I want to know and the more there is to learn. My granddaughter, Rachel, and I were discussing her college schedule last week. She will be working to help pay her way through school and she was concerned about having enough time to study and do her best. We talked about getting distracted by so many activities and she mentioned how she heard so many kids talking about how they can't wait to party. Her desire is truly to get a good education and not waste the money it will cost for that education. I felt the same way in college, working my way through made me study harder. Maybe that is why we are told to, "work out our salvation." The gift of eternal life is available to anyone who desires it, but the living it out can take work. We need to make good choices about what we are involved in. We need to not squander the knowledge we are given, because it came at a great price, Jesus very life. If we learn from the Great Teacher and do not live out the lessons, it is wasted knowledge. Our lives can be so full when we live out the knowledge we are given. "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

Tip of the Day 7/15/12

Thirty Two years ago I stood beside the man I had chosen to be my husband and spoke vows that I believed I could and would be true to. I did this in my own strength and because of the desires of my own heart. As my heart, and Richard's, surrendered to the Lord and to His will for us He made "the two one" and those vows became our true pledge to each other. A few years ago we visited an artist colony and purchased a vase that the artist had used ashes to create a beautiful design from. This vase represents what God has done in our lives and marriage and I am forever grateful. He has made us "vessels of honor, fit for His use" and brought "beauty from ashes." Today we will go to His house together and partake of communion as we worship and thank the One who is faithful and true.

 Most important non-Biblical lesson learned at church today: Never pick up your flute and try to play the intro to a song after JUST finishing an art project with the kids in Sunday School that involves using glue. Your fingers WILL stick to the keys and you will play a whole note instead of a sixteenth note which throws your timing off and you can't figure out how to unstick your fingers and then you have completely lost your place in the song. I am sure none of you will ever find yourself in this position, but just in case, now you know.

Tip of the Day 7/14/12

99 Days of Summer: Saturday is a day of fun and play, when we shake off the cares of the week and pursue an experience. Do not waste the days given you to make memories. If everyone pitches in, housework and laundry can be accomplished quickly and the important things like waffles for breakfast, feeding the ducks at the pond, a hike on a trail, picking wildflowers, running in the sprinkler, swimming in the lake, grilling hot dogs on a stick, eating S'mores, making snowcones, swinging on the swings at the park, can all be pursued. Notice that these are all free and for every age. The greatest memories are not always the ones that cost money. Enjoy the day and make some fun.

Word for Today, Guard. There are so many things in this world that easily make their way into our hearts and minds. Often we aren't even aware that they have until we have a thought to speak a word that stems from something we have heard, seen, or read. It could be an innocent action on our part; thumbing through a magazine in a doctors office, a song playing in the mall as we are shopping, a commercial as we are watching TV. All of the images and words that pass before us imprint themselves on us. Have you ever noticed you can hear the first few chords of a song from 25 years ago and be able to sing every word? We need to be aware of everything we allow our selves to see and hear. There will always be those things we cannot avoid, but we all have choices to make about what we allow into our minds and hearts. They are there forever. Protect your heart and mind, guard your children, and pursue what is good, just, true, peaceable, and lovely. You will be glad you did. "Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life."

Tip of the Day 7/13/12

Word for Today, Beloved: I am a lover of words and good literature. When I read a story or poetry written in a beautiful style, I am inspired to speak in a more refined manner. To season my speech with grace as the Bible tells me to. The word "beloved" is found often as we read the works of great writers like Jane Austen or Louisa Mae Alcott, Shakespear and Dickinson. A few months ago I told one of my girlfriends every time I was with her I felt inspired to speak as if I was in an Austen novel. But this is also the language of David and Solomon and Jesus. I love the beautiful words and language used throughout the Bible. It is my language guide, to teach me to season my speech with grace. Do we inspire others to a gentler form of speech? Our heart speaks through the mouth. What is your heart saying? "I am my beloved's and his desire is toward me."

Tip of the Day 7/12/12

99 Days of Summer:  It has been so dry in most of the country that your car is probably covered with a nice layer of dust. Today would be a great time to enjoy washing your vehicles. Get the hose and some buckets, everyone put on their bathing suits and get cool while accomplishing a needed task. Your car and the kids will thank you.

 Word for Today, Companion: As Richard and I are about to celebrate of 32nd wedding anniversary I was reminded of weddings he has performed over the years. One has always stood out to me as really special. It was a ceremony he did with a Spanish Pastor named Ricardo. One of the parts of the ceremony included a beautiful hand beaded lasso that was placed around the bride and groom. It was two loops that held the bride and groom together and the pastors explained to them the concept of holding each other up or causing the other to stumble. It was a beautiful picture of what marriage could and should be. This is a concept that should be a part of all of our relationships. Do we support those around us, or do we cause them to stumble and sometimes fall because of our actions? "Two are better than one... For if they fall, one will lift up his companion." "Let us not put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother's way."

Tip of the Day 7/09/12

99 Days of Summer: The past two weeks have been pretty non-enjoyable for most of the country. The horrible fires, storms on the east coast, heat wave across the nation, and on and on have caused many of us to just retreat inside. But, we are getting a respite from most of the situations and now is a time of rebuilding and regrouping for many people. A great way to spend these "dog days of summer' would be to find a relief effort or an organization that could use some extra hands from volunteers. Soup kitchens need help even in the summer, not just on the holidays. Habitat for Humanity does the bulk of their work in the summer. Check with your local Habitat Restore to see if they could use some volunteer help. Don't just sit there, get up and help where you can. You will be glad you did.

 Word for Today, Fashion: Most women love new clothes. We are constantly looking for that perfect outfit. We spend time in front of mirrors trying on different combinations looking for just the right thing to wear for a special occasion. We want everything from our PJ's to our little black dress to be right for us. We look for the right fit, color, and style that are most flattering. Most men don't obsess over their clothes as much as women do, but they want their clothing to be comfortable and reflect their personality and style. There will come a time we no longer have to stand in front of a mirror to see if what we are wearing is just right for us. God has prepared the perfect "outfit" for us to wear for all eternity. He knows the right color, pure white, and he knows the right fit, covering our sin and shame with His righteousness. We don't need Stacy and Clinton of "What Not to Wear" to tell us what looks best, our Creator is the ultimate fashion authority for eternity. "I have removed your iniquity from you, and I will clothe you with rich robes." "I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness."

Tip of the Day 7/06/12

99 Days of Summer:  My husband grew up camping, I did not. His father was a Naturalist with The Park Service and he lived in National Parks his entire childhood, Yosemite, Glacier, Badlands, and vacations were spent camping. This meant sleeping under the stars most of the time. It has always sounded like an idyllic childhood. My family always stayed in hotels when we traveled. My Mom's idea of a vacation was not cooking and cleaning. Throughout our married life I have convinced Richard to camp a few times, but it has been the exception, not the rule. He likes to say, "my idea of roughing it is slow room service." We own a tent and all the equipment and I keep dreaming that one summer we will use it. Camping in the backyard can be a great option for "vacationing" when you can't get away. The kids love it and it is a great money saver. By camping in the yard you can vacation every weekend if you want to. Of course there are probably plenty of campgrounds close to home and you will feel like you have gotten away with little expense.

 Word for Today, Word: When I was in 5th or 6th grade I used a word at school that I had no idea what it meant. It was not a nice word and since I grew up in an environment where that type of language was never used, I have no idea how I knew it. Since I am old and that was during the age of black and white TV, four letter words were not a part of what we heard while watching The Andy Griffith Show or Gilligan's Island. There were shows that started to push the envelope of language and behavior in the mid-sixties like The Smothers Brothers and Laugh-In, but compared to what we here today... Sadly this language has become so common place that most of society has become desensitized to it. It is rare to watch or read anything without it. There are several things about this trend downhill that are disturbing. Not only is the language offensive, it shows a lack of intelligence. Kids today use four letter words throughout a conversation just as in the past kids used the word "like" repeatedly. They are completely unaware they are even saying it. Their words have no substance. One of the reasons authors from the past have endured is the beautiful pictures they painted with the language they used, from the Psalms of David to Jane Austen or Emmerson, the language was beautiful. The Bible tells us that out of the heart, the mouth speaks. As I listen to the speech of today, it is sad to realize that the hearts of so many are so devoid of beauty and substance. "Let your speech always be seasoned with grace."

Tip of the Day 7/05/12

99 Days of Summer:  I hope everyone had a safe and fun 4th of July. It was like a mini-vacation in the middle of the week. Today I would like to offer another option for what can be considered a "stay-cation." Is there something you have always wanted to learn how to do, but never seem to have the time or money? Maybe it is learning to sail or surf, to use a potter's wheel or paint, to weave or quilt, to build your own solar panels or raised garden beds. There are classes for everything we can imagine, but they all take time. Several years ago Richard was inspired by cooking shows to learn some real skills and decided instead of a regular vacation we would spend 8 Saturdays attending cooking classes. It was amazing. We looked forward to a fun activity together every week and then put what we learned into practice. It was a wonderful, all summer, "vacation." The rewards have been as lasting as any vacation we have ever taken. The key was, as a married couple, doing it together. There are plenty of options for a family to pursue together, or if you are single, ask a friend to join you. Pursue a dream this summer.

 Word for Today, Enough: The other day I heard a conversation quoted where a millionaire was asked, "how do you know when you have enough money?" His smug answer was, "it is never enough." How tragic to go through life always feeling like you need more money in order to be be happy. Can you enjoy what you have if you are always striving for more? I grew up in a home where we always had enough. My Dad worked hard and provided a wonderful home, clothing, food, and fun for our family. I always found it strange when I talked to other people that never took family vacations because we took a big one every other year. My Dad was a police officer and my Mom was a stay-at-home Mom except for a couple of years. Yet we always had enough. Most of our married life I have been a stay-at-home mom and wife as well. It is what I feel called to. It has meant times of sacrifice, but it was and is what is right for our family. Through the years we have always had enough. There have been times of testing when the temptation to step out of what God has designed for our home and family to seek for more has risen. But God has always been faithful to provide for every NEED just as He has promised to do. If you have a desire for a change of circumstances in your home, take the time to seek the Lord for His guidance. It is amazing how many things we see as needs really are habits. Do you really need the level of cable TV you are paying for? We just cut our phone bill by $60 a month by searching for a better option and really evaluating our needs. What about eating habits? Is your crockpot just sitting in the cabinet? It takes an act of our will to recognize what is enough and make the changes to live within it. If you are feeling a call as a wife or mom to come home, there will be sacrifice. If as a husband or father you want more time for your family, there will be great sacrifice. There are seasons of life where we have to do things that are not our first choice, but God rewards that sacrifice. But, if you are being called to make some changes, take a step of faith. That first step will bring you to enough. "Having food and clothing, with these we shall be content."

Tip of the Day 7/03/12

99 Days of Summer;  As Richard and I planned or "vacation" for this year, and decided we would make it a "stay-cation" as we did several years ago, we decided on an option a little different than last time. Rather than Day Trips or activities, we decided to treat our house like a vacation home or cabin. We didn't make the bed (that is so hard for me), we didn't cook with the food in the freezer and pantry (we bought things we would not normally make, like lobster and clams), we ate cookies in bed, we spent time in our backyard, we slept in and stayed in bed reading and talking for hours, we ate at restaurants in our town that we had never tried before, we got dressed up and splurged on a nice dinner out, we acted like tourists in our own town. In order to fully enjoy this type of a vacation you have to set your mind to thinking like you don't live in your house. Shut doors to rooms that you wouldn't have in a vacation home, the office, sewing room, etc. Stop the mail like you would on a regular vacation. Eat foods you enjoy on vacation and don't fix for everyday meals. We always buy snack food on trips, but rarely at home. Act like you are on vacation and you will be. There are several advantages to this type of vacation: 1) No travel time and you begin to unwind much faster 2) The money you would spend on gas and hotels can be spent on lasting purchases. We used what would have been the cost of one day on the road to purchase a new blender/food processor and the cost of another day on a TV that needed to be replaced. It was great for the budget. 3) You can help the economy of your own home town. I highly recommend trying this type of vacation.

 Word for Today, Lean: The Lord has really been speaking to my heart since listening to the message from Sunday. This is a quote from that message: "If you are weary and burdened, you have either taken upon yourself things that the Lord has not intended, or you are fighting against where He has placed you and the plan He has for you." (HT: Richard Grom)
This is what the Lord has spoken to my heart regarding this topic:
1) We live in a fallen world, and even though I am a believer in Jesus as my Savior, the choices of others will still impact my life even when they are not God's perfect will for me.
2) God has established a way for me to be able to go through those situations and for me to learn from them.
3) He has allowed me the choice of being yoked to Him in a way perfectly fitted for me that allows Him to carry the burden of the weight in any situation.
4) Just as the eyes of those that came against Israel could not see the spiritual battle that was raging around them, neither can we. I cannot imagine how much worse any situation would be, no matter how bad it looks through my human eyes, if I could see the part Jesus is carrying.
5) I cannot choose what comes into my life, but I can choose to let Jesus carry the bulk of the load, as His yolk for me is intended to do, and, like the younger ox that is is yolked to an older, wiser ox, learn from Him.
6) We will never NOT have a battle, but we will ALWAYS have a choice in how we will walk through it.
One of the action words Jesus uses to teach us is "to trust." This is translated from the original Hebrew, "to lean on." As we willingly wear the yoke God has designed to fit us perfectly we are able to rest, to lean on it, as we tread through whatever comes our way. The younger ox didn't get placed in the yoke with the older ox and just stand there while the older did all the work. He had to follow him, imitate what he was doing, and learn to do the same, or he would have been greatly injured as the other ox pulled him along. He learned to trust the wisdom and strength of the older ox and as he "leaned on" him, he grew stronger with each step he took. He learned when the older ox stopped to stop, not plow on ahead. We will find rest as we lean on Jesus even as we tread through the grain of this life. And just like the ox grew strong, so will we. And, just as the ox ate the reward of his labor, so will we. We must take our eyes off what we are walking through and trust the One that is leading us through it.
"He who heeds the word wisely will find good, and whoever (leans on) the Lord, happy is he." Proverbs 16: 20
"You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he (leans on) You. (Lean on) the Lord forever, for in Yah, the Lord, is everlasting strength." Isaiah 26: 3 - 4

Tip of the Day 7/02/12

99 Days of Summer: After 10 wonderful days of vacation I am feeling refreshed and renewed. This year we chose to do what has been named a "Stay-cation" in recent years. We first did this several years ago and had so much fun we decided to do it again. We approached the time differently this year and this week I would like to share some ideas for different types of "stay-cations." For our first "stay-cation" we planned a week of activities, day trips, movie outings, beach time, camping in the back yard, etc. It was a lot of fun and we did a lot of the things visitors to our area do, but seldom the residents. A great way to plan this type of "stay-cation" is to approach it as you would a vacation anywhere. Pick up brochures or go online for ideas and plan the "trip." Plan a budget just as you would for any vacation. The advantages are obvious, lower gasoline expense, no hotel fees, money stays in your community, more time for fun because of no travel time. If you enjoy where you live, but never seem to have the time to enjoy what the area offers, consider this type of vacation this year.

 Word for Today, Desire: Our youngest daughters name is Desrie', which means desire. She, as well as all of our daughters, were an answer to the desire of my heart to be a mom. It is often hard to understand how God works in our lives to fulfill our desires. At the age of 22, recovering from a hysterectomy, I certainly did not not see how my desire to be a mom could ever be fulfilled. But God! The beautiful thing is God goes above and beyond what our desires are to fulfill His purposes. I was overjoyed at being blessed with our two daughters and step daughter, but 10 years later God said, here's more, and we were blessed with two more daughters. As I have watched them grow up, marry, have children, and now their children having children, I find myself in awe. My vision for myself was so small. He looked deep in my heart and knew my deepest desires. As we surrender our will to His hand, and trust that He knows best, we desire what He wants and accept what He knows is best. I wanted children, and was "satisfied" with our first gifts, but God saw that the older girls needed a family and decided that was the completion of my desire. "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass."