Monday, July 16, 2012

Tip of the Day 7/14/12

99 Days of Summer: Saturday is a day of fun and play, when we shake off the cares of the week and pursue an experience. Do not waste the days given you to make memories. If everyone pitches in, housework and laundry can be accomplished quickly and the important things like waffles for breakfast, feeding the ducks at the pond, a hike on a trail, picking wildflowers, running in the sprinkler, swimming in the lake, grilling hot dogs on a stick, eating S'mores, making snowcones, swinging on the swings at the park, can all be pursued. Notice that these are all free and for every age. The greatest memories are not always the ones that cost money. Enjoy the day and make some fun.

Word for Today, Guard. There are so many things in this world that easily make their way into our hearts and minds. Often we aren't even aware that they have until we have a thought to speak a word that stems from something we have heard, seen, or read. It could be an innocent action on our part; thumbing through a magazine in a doctors office, a song playing in the mall as we are shopping, a commercial as we are watching TV. All of the images and words that pass before us imprint themselves on us. Have you ever noticed you can hear the first few chords of a song from 25 years ago and be able to sing every word? We need to be aware of everything we allow our selves to see and hear. There will always be those things we cannot avoid, but we all have choices to make about what we allow into our minds and hearts. They are there forever. Protect your heart and mind, guard your children, and pursue what is good, just, true, peaceable, and lovely. You will be glad you did. "Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life."

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