Monday, July 30, 2012

Tip of the Day 7/30/12

99 Days of Summer: As July comes to an end and we head into August, especially with the extremely hot and long summer this has been, our thoughts start turning toward fall. For many school will start in just a couple of weeks. I still feel this is WRONG! Summer vacation should be Memorial Day to Labor Day, and I will enjoy all 99 days of summer. Because I am a very organized person, I better be if I am going to run a business called Dee-Clutter, I like to have a basic plan of what my week will consist of. I am at home almost everyday, but contrary to popular myths, just because I no longer have children at home does not mean I watch TV or read all day. I truly believe in being a homemaker. To me this means getting back to the basics. When I made the choice to come back out of the full time work force it was with a two fold purpose, to make my home and teach others how to do the same. I did not like someone else cooking our meals (restaurants), doing my laundry (the dry cleaners), and cleaning my house ( I was ready to hire a house cleaning service). These are all things I wanted to be doing myself, but was too tired to do. Not everyone feels called to do these things and prefers a career, or is in a place in life where it is not realistic to be at home full time. We each have to find our place in this world. Over the past few months I have talked to many women who are desiring to get back to, or learn how to, take care of their own home. This week I would like to walk you through my process of shopping and saving maximum money and energy to keep our home running. About 6 years ago I read an article about a couple that decided to only shop once a year. They were able to get completely out of debt, except for their mortgage in that year. We decided to give their method a try starting with one month, then three months, and settled on six month increments. I have developed a system for fall/winter and spring/summer shopping. This week I will take you through my steps of preparing to do my fall/winter shopping. The date for our shopping is always determined by 3 paycheck months. Usually twice a year the calendar falls out that Richard has three paydays, instead of two. We use that third paycheck to shop. You will need to look closely at your personal budget to determine the best way to finance this method of shopping. One way is to shop for one month, set aside the money saved toward the next month, and continue until you reach the level you want to be at. One month shopping may work best for your family or six months might be the right thing. To start my process, today I will inventory all of our toiletries and personal care products. I have a master list I have put together, it is in my cookbook.   So, now I am ready to dig in. 

 Word for Today, Wisdom: When we hear this word it is easy to think it only applies to the major decisions in life, should I take that job, buy that house, marry this person, etc. But if we understood that wisdom is needed, and can be had, in every step of our life, we would have a much easier time. In the book of James, in the Bible, we are told, "if we lack wisdom, ask, and it will be given liberally." Some things in life we consider common sense, don't step in front of a moving car or walk on hot coals just because a self help guru tells you to. But I believe this is a form of wisdom. As we grow, we learn to discern right from wrong, good from bad, smart from dumb. If we are seeking to walk with our Creator in all ways then the discernment we have is wisdom from Him. The older I get the less I want to make choices on my own. I want, desire, and need my life to be guided by the wisdom that comes from above. Whether I am planning my menu for the week, preparing a Sunday School lesson or Bible study, or working with a client, I need wisdom beyond my ability in order to walk through life in peace. The wisdom I have for living life to the fullest did not come from text books, it comes from the One who gave me life. "Seek those things which are above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of the Father." "The wisdom that is from above." "Get wisdom! Get understanding."

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