Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tip of the Day 7/25/12

99 Days of Summer: One of everyone's favorite things about Christmas is the cookies. Every year I pull out my recipes and decide which ones I will bake. When the girls were still at home, we baked them all. Now that just Richard and I are here, I only bake a few kinds. It is hard to choose because we love them all. So summer is a great time to bake some I didn't make last December. So, today get out those recipes and choose a cookie to bake. A fun one for the kids would be the ones that look like melted snowmen. Perfect for Christmas in July.
Word for Today, The Road: As you know by now I am a big reader. One of the first poets I remember reading was Robert Frost and, like many of you, remember the line from The Road Not Taken, "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--I took the one less traveled by." One of our favorite activities is driving back roads we have never been down before. We never know what we will come across, but the beauty we encounter is worth it. As we take these roads we always stay on the roads that are marked, we do not venture off to gravel roads where we could get stuck or end up on private property. There is a wise way to travel and an unwise way. Yes, it is the road less traveled, and it can be bumpy and have pot holes, or become so narrow we don't know if we can make it through. It is tempting to give up and get back on the wide highway where traffic is moving quickly. But if we keep our eyes on the final destination, we will find beauty all along the way. On our path through life it is easy to want to get on the wide road with all the fun activities along the way. The narrow back road can appear boring and slow. But it is the path that is filled with beauty and leads to life. It is not always easy to stay on the narrow road, we are tempted by shortcuts or roads that look smoother. But, if we stay on that narrow path we will experience life to its fullest. "Behold, I set before you the way of life and the way of death, ...choose life." "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death."

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