Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tip of the Day 7/20/11

Dog Days of Summer Tip #3: Easy Fabric Stencils

This is a great craft for adults or kids, fabric stencils to transform anything from clothing to pillow cases, from napkins to tote bags. Always think outside the box and use your creative mind to come up with a unique idea.


White Freezer Paper

Fabric Paint

Stipple Brush

Scrapbooking Punches or Pre-punched Stencils available at Micheal's or Jo-Ann Fabrics

Computer Printer Paper


Lint Free Cloth (men's hanky)

Using the Scrapbooking punch or stencil create a design for the item you want to stencil. If using a punch, place a piece of printer paper between the punch and freezer paper for a cleaner punch.

Place freezer paper, shiny side down on item, cover with lint free cloth and press with hot iron. If using a pre-punched stencil, follow instructions on package. Stipple with fabric paint. Let dry completely, then peel off paper. Place lint free cloth over the design and press with iron to set.

Your item is ready to wear or use and is completely washable.

Post some pics if you try this idea.

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