Daily tips for better living to help Dee-Clutter your home and spirit.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Tip of the Day 3/29/12
One of my favorite things to do in the warm months is dine Al Fresco. We enjoy the breezes from The Lake and the fresh air. So one of the things I do as part of my Spring Cleaning is washing down the outdoor dining table and chairs and making sure my placemats and dinnerware are ready for the season. Consider this as a regular dining option and enjoy the world around you. How about dinner on the deck tonight?
Word for Today, Crown: Several years ago after having a heart attack and beginning to give up on life my Nanny bounced back and is living life with joy. At 98 years young she loves to show visitors her portrait of when she was crowned "Miss Senior Oklahoma." She wants to be buried with her crown and sash. But the beautiful thing about my Nanny is that she knows that crown is not the only one she will ever wear. Her faith in Jesus guarantees her a crown, or crowns,
that she will be awarded in Heaven and will have the privilege of forever casting at Jesus' feet. Anyone that knows me well knows that is what I most look forward to for eternity. Thank you to my Nanny who passed her faith on to my Mom who has been casting her crowns at Jesus feet for almost a year. I can't wait to join her. "There is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that day, and not me only but also to all who have loved His appearing. The crown of glory that does not fade away."
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tip of the Day 3/28/12
We have made it from the ceiling to the floors during our Spring Cleaning, but there are still things to do outside to get our homes ready to enjoy the warm months. A good way to start is by sweeping away all of the cobwebs and yuck that accumulate in the corners, under the eaves, etc. around the house. Sweep along the inside and outside edges of the doorways, not just the bottom, but the entire frame. No one likes to walk out the door and have a cobweb in their face. Sweep around windows as well.
Word for Today, Courage: Because I have several teen and tween grandchildren who are all big readers and movie goers I like to stay informed about what is going on at their level. The Chicago Tribune featured several articles on Hunger Games in the Sunday issue before the release of the movie. I read them all which was a good thing since this week I have three of my grands here and two of them have read the books and have seen the movie. The premise of the story is not what disturbed me, with the direction or nation is headed anything is possible, but the violence being portrayed and touted to teens and tweens is very disturbing. The heroine, Katniss, shows great courage in volunteering to take her younger sisters place in a gruesome battle. It is great for our children to be taught courage, but the portrayal of violence is more than any child should be exposed to. The increase of ADD/ADHD diagnosis', violent acts, lack of conscience, etc. should give us a wake up call to what our children are being exposed to. Even the things that younger children are allowed to watch like today's superheroes, etc. seem to contribute to over stimulation and a lack of self control. We all need heroes to look up to and emulate and throughout history and today there are plenty without exposing our children and ourselves to this level of violence. I may sound like I am preaching today, but my heart is truly burdened. Guard your minds and hearts and do the same for your children. Show them what real courage looks like, it isn't Katniss or a superhero or Ninja. "Be strong and of good courage. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Rather than saying, "may the odds be in your favor" let's say, "Arise and begin working, and the Lord be with you."
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Tip of the Day 3/27/12
All of the winter dirt we are chasing away has made it to our floors and carpet. Let's take some time to really clean all the dirt out of the corners and under the furniture where it has gathered. Sweep, vacuum, mop (I prefer to do it on my hands and knees to get into the corners), move the furniture to get along the edges of walls, and sweep it all away. The trick is keeping it under control and you can learn from Chicagoans for this, take your shoes off when you come in the house. The less you track in the less there is to sweep out.
Word for Today, Promises: I don't like it when someone does not follow through on a promise they have made and even more I do not like when I can't keep a promise I have made. The Bible tells us it is better not to make a vow rather than make one and break it. We have been singing a song that says, "Remember Your people, remember Your children, remember Your promise, O God." God doesn't forget the promises He has made to us, we cry out because in our humanness we need to remind ourselves that He never lies or breaks His promises, He will never forsake us. What promises of God do you need to remember today? "It is impossible for God to lie. All the promises of God are Yes, and in Him Amen (so be it), to the glory of God through us."
Monday, March 26, 2012
Tip of the Day 3/26/12
Let's get back to some simple Spring Cleaning after a fun weekend. Last week we worked on getting the dirt from the top of each room working it's way down and out of our homes. We've reached the furniture. Remember this isn't your regular weekly dusting, we are doing the deeper jobs. Pull the cushions from couches and chairs to vacuum underneath as well as the arms, sides, and backs. Wash or wipe down sides, fronts and legs of all tables, chairs, dressers etc. In other words clean the surfaces of the furniture you don't clean on a weekly basis.
Word for Today, Gifts: We have all been gifted with at least one ability that is meant to be shared with others. You might feel like you have nothing to offer that would truly benefit others, but look at every aspect of your life and discover what you love and how sharing it could benefit someone else. No one was created without a purpose. "As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another."
Friday, March 23, 2012
Tip of the Day 3/23/12
We have been working from the top down in our Spring Cleaning and the dust has settled on the furniture and bedding. Along with the "Winter" dregs, we need to wash it all away. We wash our sheets every week, I HOPE, but not the blankets and comforters. The changing of the seasons is the perfect time for this. Change out the blankets to lighter weight ones, washing and storing the heavy weight ones. Take comforters to the laundry mat and wash in the heavy duty machines, or an easy way to clean them is a combo of the old and new. Take the comforter outside and with the help of a partner shake it well, drape over the CLEANED picnic table, or chairs or other furniture (or clothes line if you happen to still have one). Spray with Febreeze and allow the item to dry outside. Turn over and do the back side as well. It will smell so fresh. Wash all mattress covers, vacuum mattresses, dust the entire bed frame and under the bed. Every surface of the bed should be cleaned. You will sleep well tonight.
Word for Today, Agree: As i was reading this morning this verse stood out to me, "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?" I have always thought about this verse on a human to human level, in the same context as "do not be unequally yoked." This morning I saw it in the context of my walk with God. I have always thought how beautiful it was that God Himself came to walk in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve each evening and how tragic it was that it ended when they sinned, "no longer were agreed with Him." They still had fellowship with Him, but now they had to make the moment by moment choice to be in agreement with Him. You and I have that same choice every minute of every day, do I want to walk in agreement with God's choices for my life or will I choose the ways of the world and not walk hand in hand with Him through my day. We ask where God is in the difficulties, but if we are holding tight to His hand we will know He is walking through each moment with us, good or bad. "I will dwell in them and walk among them."
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Tip of the Day 3/22/12
Spring Cleaning Day 3. Your house should be starting to smell fresh and Spring like. The perfect next step is to wash, place in dryer with "Dryel", or vacuum curtains and wash the mini blinds. While they are down wash the inside of the windows. To easily wash non-wood mini blinds take them outside and spray with vinegar water to cut the film build up. Hose off and leave to dry. Gently scrub using an old toothbrush if needed.
Word for Today, Quiet: The noise of life can take a toll on our spirit. We seek solitude whether by a walk on the beach or calming music. Sometimes we seek to hear nothing except the birds singing. Loud people get on our nerves and we seek out those that are gentler in their speech and behavior. This morning I read a passage in the Bible that showed me quietness is a part of righteousness. Do people enjoy being with you? Maybe we need to consider our volume level. "...your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which is of great worth in God's sight. The work of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever." May your day be filled with quietness and peace hearing God's still quiet voice.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Tip of the Day 3/21/12
Next on the agenda for some Spring cleaning are the walls, door jambs, and hanging pictures. Using a long handled Swiffer or other duster, start at the top in each room and dust all the way to the floor. The walls are a surface that collects dust just like any other surface and having the heater running all winter blows the dust around so it settles even on the walls and pictures.
Word for Today, Watchful: As parents we watch out for our children, we watch our diet to try to be healthy, we watch our finances, we keep a watch on the weather forecast, but are we as diligent to watch the state of our soul? Nothing is more important. Do you know the state of your soul? "Be watchful and strengthen the things that remain. Take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen and they depart from your heart. What I say to you I say to all: Watch!"
Tip of the Day 3/20/12
Spring and Cleaning, two words we often hear together. We all want to throw open the windows and smell the fresh air, but the inside of our house still smells of the staleness of winter. Let's spend a few minutes each day cleaning away the dregs of winter and making the house sparkle. When cleaning always start at the top and work down, so today let's wash the top and bottom of the ceiling fans with some warm vinegar water or good spray cleaner before turning them on and spreading winter's dust everywhere.
Word for Today, Justified: We all are guilty of some wrong doing in our life whether big or small and want to be found innocent. Even the most guilty of criminals stands before a judge and jury trying and hoping to be declared innocent of their crime. We will all stand before the ultimate Judge someday, our Creator, and believe we know the answer we can give to be found good in the life we lived and allowed to enter Heaven. The Bible clearly tells us there is only one way we will be declared worthy of innocence and that is through faith in God's only Son, Jesus. "The just shall live by faith. Having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Who shall bring a charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies."
Saturday, March 17, 2012
tip of the Day 3/17/12
The final tip I have for teaching your children during Spring Break is to learn how to entertain themselves without electronics. A craft cabinet full of supplies, a back yard that is safe and accessible for the kids to play in without constant supervision, TIME for freedom to play and use their imagination. Homework is important, but an hour outside before homework will probably result in better results. Less structured activities and more freedom to imagine. Set them free to explore and create.
Word for Today, Neighbor: We live in a world where a lot of people do not have the opportunity to really get to know their neighbors thanks to the automatic garage door opener. We pull into our garage, hit the button, and then spend our time outside in the yard surrounded by privacy fence. Last night the Lord showed me that the trees that were cut down in the Fall between ours and our neighbors yard was a blessing in one sense. As several of the neighbors talked over our fences last night I learned they were not thrilled now that the trees are gone, the husband had to work over in Detroit all winter because he lost his job locally, he was injured on the job and just found work locally again last week. Another neighbor who likes to put on gruff airs let it slip that he had snow blown the families driveway while Dad was away. The boys climbed the ladder another Dad built and we said could be placed in our yard for the kids to access each others yards, laughing and playing. A neighbor asked if we minded him putting up a beehive since it would be on the backside of our fence (fresh honey coming our way) and he gave us more fresh fish he had caught. Another neighbor sat in their house with the door closed and missed all the fun. They have been verbally unkind to the children and built a huge fence to stop them from accessing each others yards. I realized how easy it would be to behave the same way and that I need to pray their hearts soften. As for that fence we thought we needed to put up where the trees used to be, maybe some nice grasses are all we need, after all my neighbor is as short as me and how will we talk over a 6 foot fence. :) "Love does no harm to it's neighbor."
Friday, March 16, 2012
Tip of the Day 3/16/12
Yesterday I had the privilege of speaking to a group of young Mom's at a MOPS group. One of the girls asked how to accomplish a calmer bedtime routine since it felt like she was "herding cats" every night. Every young parent has had that feeling. As you are picking up toys a child is behind you stripping his clean pj's back off and smearing diaper rash cream on his Teddy Bear because you didn't put it out of reach. Daddy spent the last 15 minutes chasing the children upstairs and tickling them so the would be worn out and ready to sleep. Now all they want is more and are all wound up. Everyone was tucked in bed and the "I need a drink of water" chorus has begun. Yes, it is often like "herding cats." Spring Break is a good time to begin establishing a new bedtime routine so you can find what does and doesn't work. As I told the group yesterday, one of the keys is to start earlier and establish a set routine. If you have been starting a 1/2 hour before your set goal of lights out and it never happens the simple solution is start earlier. Maybe you are trying to cram too much into the time. Are three stories, a song, 3 trips to the bathroom, a foot rub, etc. all necessary every night? Maybe a schedule of different aspects of the things you have been doing every night should be divided up, Tuesday is foot rub night, only one story and no song, Wednesday night, 2 stories and no foot rub or song, etc. Reward the child with their own book/reading time before lights out if they get to bed before lights out time. We had our girls in bed 30 minutes before lights out until they were teenagers for personal reading time. Even as teenagers they went to bed early to read and they still love to get in bed and read at night. By having special books they love or have picked out at the library reserved for this time they will be anxious to get to bed. The key to this aspect of bedtime is that you use BOOKS as the reward, NOT toys. Toys will re-stimulate as they talk and play. The goal is for the child to fall asleep, not wake up. A set timer is a great way for your child to just turn off the light. Be aware that your returning to their room will start the need for the bathroom, drink, kisses, etc. all over. Be available so if their is a genuine need, but allow nature to take it's course as your children fall into sweet sleep and hopefully you will also.
Word for Today, Alone: We all need time alone to pray and to listen. But even then we are not truly alone. The Bible tells us and shows us over and over that we need to be with others of like mind and Spirit and not isolate ourselves. Even God is three in one, never alone, and decided to create man for fellowship. Jesus as He walked the earth surrounded Himself with others to walk with Him. At the point of His betrayal as He went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray He took others with and as He went deeper into the garden to pray He kept coming back to them to see if they were praying with Him. Moses needed others to hold his arms up during the battle, Paul had companions that traveled with on his journeys, God gave Adam Eve. As we study God's Word it is a rare thing to find someone alone as they walk their path. John the Baptist is a rare example and we are told the time he spent alone was in the wilderness. Surround yourself with others that will walk your path with you, hold your arms up in the battle, pray with you in your hour of need. "It is not good for man to be alone. Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together." It's Friday, but Sunday's comin', and I can't wait to spend time with the ones that hold my arms up.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Tip of the Day 3/15/12
We are on the road to establishing some good habits for our children during Spring Break. A great area to involve children is in the kitchen. I know you are probably thinking, "Oh no, a big mess." But allowing them to participate in meal choices and prep will actually help them to be better eaters. Start small, but even the youngest ones can begin "helping". A great skill for your children to leave home with someday is being able to prepare a basic meal, or better yet a gourmet meal, and a go-to dessert. Their husband, wife, roommates, will all appreciate them. Have the children help plan one meal a week and help with the prep, graduate to them doing more of the prep with you supervising, next-keeping to a simple menu-let them prepare the whole meal as you supervise, move on to them improvising with ingredients and eventually you stepping out of the picture one night a week. Some meals will be awesome and some you will smile and eat only one helping. Encourage along the way. You may have the next Iron Chef or Rachel Ray living in your house.
Word for Today, Opportunity: Jesus gives the opportunity to share Him, we make the choice to do it.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Tip of the Day 3/14/12
Last week we organized our own closet and wardrobe, Spring Break would be a great time to organize your childs closet and wardrobe. Use the same principles as we used for your closet. Let your child have a say in what she/he likes to wear. Get rid of things they really don't like. You will have fewer arguments and a happier beginning to your days. Even kids have their own sense of style and taste. Work with them on putting together appropriate combinations. Each Sunday night, with your child's input, pick out 5 outfits for the week ahead based on the weather forecast and activities. Then allow the child to pick from them each day during the week. Saturdays, let them choose from the section of the closet designated for non-school wear. Go with the flow and if they show up at breakfast in a tutu with knee socks and a sweatshirt, go with it. Have a section of their closet designated as "nice occasion wear." Depending on your church appropriate wear you could have a section designated for them to choose from each week. By dividing their closet into sections/zones they will learn independence and appropriate clothing choices. This will save you a lot of time and energy as well.
Word for Today, Truth: We all want it to be spoken, we look for it from everyone as they speak, but what is the standard to base it on. There is only one, and has only ever been one, God's Word. It doesn't matter who is speaking, no matter their "credentials", if what they say cannot be backed up by God's Word, in context, it is not truth. We have watered down truth and sought to make our own thoughts and ideas truth, but there is only one standard and one place it can be found. "Adorn the doctrine of God in all things. Bind mercy and truth around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. The words I (Jesus) speak to you are spirit, and they are life. Whatever things are true...meditate on these things." Seek Him and truth will be found.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Tip of the Day 3/13/12
This week we are looking at ways to guide our children to be responsible people and Spring Break is a great time to start some new practices in your home. Today begin working with your children on helping with meal clean up. If you do not have a dishwasher fill the sink with warm soapy water before sitting down to eat and then everyone can wash their own dish when the meal is complete. If you do have a dishwasher guide the children in loading it with like items by each other. This makes unloading so much easier. Assign a task to everyone, even toddlers, when cleaning up after dinner. The youngest child can gather silverware or napkins to carry to the kitchen. Make cleanup time a continuation of your family time from the table. Do not leave one person in the kitchen doing all the work.
Word for Today, Confidence: There is nothing in this world we can have complete confidence in. As we see the events around us happening we realize a mere moment can change everything, a tornado, a heart attack, a pink slip, we are not in control. But I am thankful I know the One who is. Even when tragedy strikes, I know He is my Rock and Fortress, my Strong Tower, and I place my trust in Him. "Cast your burden on the Lord and He will sustain you. Trust in the Lord forever, for in Him is everlasting strength."
Monday, March 12, 2012
Tip of the Day 3/12/12
I took a few days break to spend with my hubby over the weekend. Now it is time to get back to some tips.
With Spring Breaks upon us let's take a look at some good skills to instill in our children. Are you tired of the mountains of laundry your children generate? Break the habit of clean clothes that they don't want to put away ending up in the laundry. As soon as a child is old enough to read, follow multiple instructions, and reach the controls on the washer and dryer (even with a step stool) have them start doing laundry. Start with the loads that can't be ruined too easily, whites, towels, sheets, and then work up to their own clothing. I believe you will find fewer dirty towels and clothing in the laundry room. Every kid, male or female, should head off to college with the knowledge of how to do their own laundry. Their future spouse will thank you.
Word for Today, Gracious: When we hear this word it brings to mind thoughts of gentleness and kindness. I believe we would all like to be thought of as gracious in our actions. We walked along the pier last night and I was so dismayed at the language I was hearing even young girls using, throwing around words that are ugly and offensive. If we want to be considered kind and gentle, we need to make our speech and behavior gracious. "The beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit is very precious in the sight of God."
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Tip of the Day 3/8/12
Your closets are looking great. Today let's clean out the medicine/toiletry cabinet. Properly dispose of expired medications and destroy the labels. Throw away expired products and combine bottles that are partially used of like product. If you have product you purchased and did not like it, pass it on or throw it away, stop storing it. Put product with a small amount left where you will use them before other product. Wipe down containers and shelves before replacing in cabinet. Just like with clothing purchases, if you don't like the product, don't keep it, or try it one more time. If you still don't like the shade of lipstick or the way the hair gel feels, let it go.
Word for Today. Able: When we realize we are unable we can see that God is fully able. Within myself I can do nothing that is lasting or good. It is Christ in me that makes all things possible. My "Life Verse" states, I know Whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able...1) to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think; 2) to make all grace abound toward you; 3) to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him; 4) to keep you from stumbling; 5) to keep what I have committed to Him-my very life. Jesus asked two blind men that wanted their sight restored, "Do you believe I am able to do this?" They answered Him, "Yes, we believe." Will you believe today that He is able and say "yes, Lord"?
Tip of the Day 3/7/12
Time to clean the pantry. Take some time to put this important closet in order. It will encourage you to eat healthier and to enjoy preparing meals more if you can see the ingredients. Putting like items together helps meal prep; cream soups together, spaghetti sauce type ingredients together, etc. I have all of my tomato products by each other in rows. Put the frequently used products at eye level. Arrange the closet so you are not having to dig for items, taller to the back. Always rotate your stock, newest to the back of the row. Wipe down reusable containers and the shelves. People laugh sometimes when they find out my spices are in alphabetical order, but if you try it you will discover how much easier it makes the cooking experience. You do not have to have a matching set of spice jars. My spices are in the original containers, but placed alphabetically on the inexpensive tiered shelves I placed in my cabinet. Because i shop in quantity I also invested in can rotating shelves, but using blocks of wood to make tiers in your pantry would work well. A neat pantry will encourage better eating habits.
Word for Today, Beauty: My marriage did not start with a foundation of faith in the Lord. It started selfishly and we struggled for three years until we surrendered our lives fully to Jesus. It has not been perfect since that time, we are human and there will always be struggles, but our faith has given us the tools we need to build a beautiful life together even in the hard times. There are relationships in life that when they are broken feel like your very heart is being ripped out of you and the only way to survive is trusting your Heavenly Father. Maybe you have suffered the lose of a relationship that should have been forever, whether it was a spouse, a child, or a friend. God is the only one who can use it for good in your life and He will. The scar will remain, but there can be joy on the other side and wisdom for the future. "He has sent me to comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn, He gives beauty for ashes, peace for despair."
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Tip of the Day 3/6/12
Let's get our linen closet cleaned out today. A good rule of thumb is no more than 2 sets of sheets per bed. Practice folding neatly so they will stack on the shelves easily. Do not keep stacks of towels. Teach your family to reuse them and conserve water. Only keep the number of blankets that are used for each bed. A couple extra are okay, but you do not need 10 spare blankets. Less is more in your linen closet, just like your clothes closet. Less stuff=more space and peace of mind.
Word for today, Preserve: We think often of the actions of this word even if we don't use the actual word. We try to preserve our dignity or our rights. We try to preserve our belongings. But the most important thing for us to preserve is our soul. We cannot preserve it on our own; we need our Creator to preserve it for us and He has promised to. "He preserves the way of the saints. He will keep you from harm and preserve your soul." Are you trusting Him with your life?
Monday, March 5, 2012
Tip of the Day 3/5/12
Now that your clothes closet is cleaned out it is a good time to tackle the other closets in the house. A good place to start is the coat closet since we are approaching the end of winter. Of course you wouldn't know that looking outside our window. LOL. The first step is to take out all coats that were not worn this season. Determine why you did not wear it, does it have loose buttons so you just keep hanging it back up, is it too small, etc. If you will use it if in good repair then fix it, otherwise get rid of it. Clean out pockets, wash or take coats to dry cleaners as appropriate. Match up pairs of gloves and toss any that do not have a mate. Wash all hats, gloves, and scarves. Place each in containers on shelf. Covered shoeboxes or plastic baskets work well to contain the clutter. Hang coats in closet divided by person if you have children at home. Use color coordinated hangers for each child so they know where to return the coat to. This will help with getting everyone out of the house more promptly. The key for this closet is to not return anything to it that is not in good repair. You WILL forget it if you hang it back up. This is an easy task to accomplish.
Word for Today, Overwhelmed: Yesterday I read my favorite Psalm during our time of worship, Psalm 61. As I began reading one of my devotional books this morning there was the same Psalm. I had a rough day and night on Saturday and I find great comfort in remembering how big my God is and that I am safe in Him. When it all seems like too much there is One you can turn to and He will shelter you from the storm. "When my heart is overwhelmed, please lead me to the rock that is higher than I."
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Tip of the Day 3/3/12
Some people may wonder why I post these tips everyday. Why is it such a big deal to have your closet and wardrobe in order? Why shouldn't I buy new matching containers etc. to make my home look pretty? The answer is found in God's Word and that is where I seek guidance to live my life and to share with you. We are told in the Bible to be good stewards of all we have been blessed with and we are told to do all things decently and in order. We are also told to watch over the ways of our household wisely. I think it is made pretty clear. I consider it a privilege to share these tips with you and hope you are learning each day along with me as we seek to be all we were created to be. Have a carefree Saturday.
Word for Today, Award: We are in the midst of what is known as award season. I personally do not pay much attention to any of the shows, but the people nominated wait anxiously for the results to be tallied. American Idol contestants stand before the judges waiting for their reward, the next round or if they will be sent home. Beauty queens vie for the chance to wear a crown and sash. But how many of us consider the prize we will receive when this life is over? Those who have placed their faith in Jesus will receive a crown that will never tarnish and my favorite part is that we will get to spend eternity casting crowns at Jesus feet. He is the one that deserves the honor and glory and yet He is preparing a crown for us. Wow! "You will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away. The crown of life. The crown of righteousness. An imperishable crown."
Friday, March 2, 2012
Tip of the Day 3/2/12
I hope you are now looking into a very neatly organized clothes closet or have plans to follow the easy steps soon. As you have probably noticed in my posts I am a firm believer in using what we already have, not buying more storage containers, or in this case new closet systems. We need to learn to use what we have. There are things we need to purchase to help from time to time, but a trip to home depot or office depot for a lot of new containers to organize with is really not necessary to have an organized home. The key is eliminating the surplus and creatively using what you already have. There a couple of things that are useful in this closet rehab, the main one being good matching hangers. The velvet covered ones are very nice. I have all plastic, some with slots to prevent skinny straps from slipping. This is not a major purchase and will certainly make the closet neater and help you maintain your clothing. The only other recommendations for purchases are to fill in gaps in your wardrobe. I consider a few camis essential wardrobe pieces, black, white, neutral, to wear under clothing that reveals a little too much. Please leave the cleavage for your husband, mine doesn't need to see yours. Slips seem to have been forgotten as well, but no one needs to be able to see through your dress or skirt at the office or church. A good belt to wear with jeans, because we all know what we don't need to see. Department stores used to have a section called "Foundations" and these items are still essential in our wardrobes. Build on them and you will look put together, neat, and professional.
Word for Today, Rest: We live in a society that has forgotten what it means to rest. After we return home from our jobs there is so much to do around the house, running kids here and there, cooking, etc. that when we finally sit down or collapse into bed our minds won't shut down and allow us to rest. We fill our weekends with activities and cram our vacations so full we need a vacation when we get home. We have forgotten how to stop. It is easy to say "I have too much to do to stop and if I don't do it it won't get done." There is not a lot in this world that is that important. Rest needs to be as much a part of your day as eating or drinking water. It will nourish you. In the times of quiet is where you will hear that still small voice of God speaking to you. I remember driving through Amish country a few years ago and seeing a father arriving home at the end of the day. His wife and children were out on the lawn and he stopped and threw himself down and wrestled with the children and then rolled over on his back and stared at the sky while the kids crawled all over him. It was an idyllic picture, but one rarely seen. I have a feeling he slept well that night. Resting can be found in moments alone but also in fellowship with others with no agenda. In other words, no shop talk, just friendship. If you are having trouble resting maybe you don't need more time alone, you need fellowship. "There remains therefore a rest for the people of God."
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Tip of the Day 3/1/12
By now your closet should be cleared out and you should be looking forward to wearing the combinations you have created. So how do you store what you have remaining and not allow it to get out of hand again. Start by hanging everything on non-wire hangers. If possible use matching hangers, it gives a sense of continuity and neatness to your closet. The only items you should not hang are sweaters. These should be folded neatly and stacked. I suggest not stacking them more than 3 deep to better see what you have, maintaining neatness, and ease of removal to wear. Stack like colors together. The other items you can store folded are jeans and shorts. Again keep your stacks limited to 3. I recommend hanging even "logo" t-shirts that you love to wear with jeans. They will stay neater. Around the house t-shirts should be folded and stacked. Now begin placing clothes into the closet dividing by style and color. For tops begin with camis, then shells/sleeveless, cap sleeve, short sleeve, 3/4 length sleeve, long sleeve. If you are a professional I suggest your work wardrobe be separated from non-work clothing using the same method. Within each category use "roygbiv" to color coordinate. Start with white then ecru for your neutrals then pink/red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. You will find choosing an outfit so much easier when you know right where the short sleeve yellow top you have in mind is located. Hang pants, dresses and skirts using these same guidelines. Place everything in the closet with the hangers backwards on the bar. As you wear an item and return it to the closet turn the hanger the traditional way. At the end of the season you will easily see anything you did not wear and be able to remove it. Taking a little extra time to hang your clothing neatly, buttoning top 2 buttons, centering shoulders on the hanger, smoothing the item instead of shoving it into an overcrowded space will improve your appearance and stop the "it's too wrinkled to wear" syndrome. Take a step back and enjoy the sight of a beautiful closet. Tomorrow, some essentials.
Word for Today, Fruit: Their are few people that do not like at least one kind of fruit. Most of us like many kinds and look forward to the next one coming in season all summer. We are blessed to live in an area that produces a large variety of fruit. The trees and bushes are beautiful all year. Blueberry bushes turn the most beautiful color in the fall and the fragrance of the grapes ready for harvest is delicious. A sad sight are the orchards or vineyards that are neglected or abandoned. In them you see what could have been or what used to be. Birds or wild animals may eat the rotten fruit that falls to the ground, but people look for the freshest and prettiest to eat. We often toss aside something with a small bruise or mark thinking it isn't good enough. We are told "the fruit of the Spirit is love." We are to produce good fruit in our lives and share it with others. All of us get bruised or injured from time to time but it does not negate the rest of the good in us. We need to stop judging by the skin of the fruit and look at the meat inside. There is a lot of good fruit you have missed getting to know by judging the skin. Someday I may even try Kiwi.
Tip of the Day 2/29/12
Now that you have decided what clothing to keep as your wardrobe it is time to determine if it is wearable and useful. Take some time to try on combinations of clothing adding jewelry and accessories to crate some great looks. Be bold and step out of your normal go-to's. Think images from ads or commercials of combos that appeal to you and try creating your own version. As you go through the process make a list of items that would help create the look you are going for. Maybe a new pair of gold hoop earrings, a new color cami or top, or a certain color scarf would be the finishing touch to the look. Try to use as many items you have in some way. When finished get rid of the leftovers. If this experiment did not cause you to use them you will most likely not think of wearing them in the future. This exercise will help you as you are dressing each day to be creative and get out of a style rut. Tomorrow, how to store it neatly.
Word for Today, Tomorrow: It is a different kind of last day of the month since we only have this date every 4 years, but also because Mom died on the last day of the month, March 31, and there is not a 31 to think "today it has been 11 months." Our lives are so brief even when you live to be 98 like my Nanny is. No matter what age someone leaves us for eternity it is too soon in our human capacity. The truth is we never know if we have tomorrow and we need to understand not putting off what we are to be doing today. Love, give, do, and be today. "Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. Behold, now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation."
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