Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tip of the Day 3/14/12

Last week we organized our own closet and wardrobe, Spring Break would be a great time to organize your childs closet and wardrobe. Use the same principles as we used for your closet. Let your child have a say in what she/he likes to wear. Get rid of things they really don't like. You will have fewer arguments and a happier beginning to your days. Even kids have their own sense of style and taste. Work with them on putting together appropriate combinations. Each Sunday night, with your child's input, pick out 5 outfits for the week ahead based on the weather forecast and activities. Then allow the child to pick from them each day during the week. Saturdays, let them choose from the section of the closet designated for non-school wear. Go with the flow and if they show up at breakfast in a tutu with knee socks and a sweatshirt, go with it. Have a section of their closet designated as "nice occasion wear." Depending on your church appropriate wear you could have a section designated for them to choose from each week. By dividing their closet into sections/zones they will learn independence and appropriate clothing choices. This will save you a lot of time and energy as well.
Word for Today, Truth: We all want it to be spoken, we look for it from everyone as they speak, but what is the standard to base it on. There is only one, and has only ever been one, God's Word. It doesn't matter who is speaking, no matter their "credentials", if what they say cannot be backed up by God's Word, in context, it is not truth. We have watered down truth and sought to make our own thoughts and ideas truth, but there is only one standard and one place it can be found. "Adorn the doctrine of God in all things. Bind mercy and truth around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. The words I (Jesus) speak to you are spirit, and they are life. Whatever things are true...meditate on these things." Seek Him and truth will be found.

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