Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tip of the Day 3/20/12

Spring and Cleaning, two words we often hear together. We all want to throw open the windows and smell the fresh air, but the inside of our house still smells of the staleness of winter. Let's spend a few minutes each day cleaning away the dregs of winter and making the house sparkle. When cleaning always start at the top and work down, so today let's wash the top and bottom of the ceiling fans with some warm vinegar water or good spray cleaner before turning them on and spreading winter's dust everywhere.
Word for Today, Justified: We all are guilty of some wrong doing in our life whether big or small and want to be found innocent. Even the most guilty of criminals stands before a judge and jury trying and hoping to be declared innocent of their crime. We will all stand before the ultimate Judge someday, our Creator, and believe we know the answer we can give to be found good in the life we lived and allowed to enter Heaven. The Bible clearly tells us there is only one way we will be declared worthy of innocence and that is through faith in God's only Son, Jesus. "The just shall live by faith. Having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Who shall bring a charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies."

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