Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tip of the Day 3/3/12

Some people may wonder why I post these tips everyday. Why is it such a big deal to have your closet and wardrobe in order? Why shouldn't I buy new matching containers etc. to make my home look pretty? The answer is found in God's Word and that is where I seek guidance to live my life and to share with you. We are told in the Bible to be good stewards of all we have been blessed with and we are told to do all things decently and in order. We are also told to watch over the ways of our household wisely. I think it is made pretty clear. I consider it a privilege to share these tips with you and hope you are learning each day along with me as we seek to be all we were created to be. Have a carefree Saturday.
Word for Today, Award: We are in the midst of what is known as award season. I personally do not pay much attention to any of the shows, but the people nominated wait anxiously for the results to be tallied. American Idol contestants stand before the judges waiting for their reward, the next round or if they will be sent home. Beauty queens vie for the chance to wear a crown and sash. But how many of us consider the prize we will receive when this life is over? Those who have placed their faith in Jesus will receive a crown that will never tarnish and my favorite part is that we will get to spend eternity casting crowns at Jesus feet. He is the one that deserves the honor and glory and yet He is preparing a crown for us. Wow! "You will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away. The crown of life. The crown of righteousness. An imperishable crown."

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