Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tip of the Day 4/30/11

Let's get outside and make sure the yard is safe for our kids and elderly loved ones. Check for loose steps and handrails, nails sticking up on decks, etc. Make the outdoors a great place for them to enjoy.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Tip of the Day 4/29/11

Most of us have never rearranged our kitchen cabinets since moving into our home. We just put up with the inconvenient locations we placed things when we moved in. Now you have children and they struggle helping unload the dishwasher, you have a bad back and struggle bending over to reach that pan you use all the time, you discovered your elderly relative climbing on a chair to reach her favorite bowl. There are no rules that say where things "belong" in the kitchen. Consider some changes and make it convenient and safe for everyone involved.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tip of the Day 4/28/11

This tip continues our Thursday Spring Cleaning but also would be a great help to an a loved wanting to maintain their independence. Arrange spices in alphabetical order for ease in cooking. Saves time and money since you won't be buying new spices that are lost in the cabinet.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tip of the Day 4/27/11

Teaching our children to take care of their possessions and respecting property is necessary step in life. I once visited a home where the Mom said, "we don't believe in teaching our children to take care of things. We want them to be happy and to respect people." My answer to that is, how can you respect people if you do not respect the things they have spent their hard earned money on. One of the greatest ways a child can show respect to a parent that works each day to provide for them is being a good steward of the things they are surrounded by in their home. Teach your children that this is a great way to show... Daddy, and Mommy, they love them and are thankful for a nice home. We live in a disposable society where things are easily replaced when broken, but we need to be better stewards of all we have been blessed with. I still remember the day my Dad bought my Mom her dream living room furniture. I was only in 5th grade and that furniture is still in their living room. It has been reupholstered, but looks brand new. I would never have dreamed of jumping on that furniture or doing flips over the back of it because my Daddy worked hard to buy that for my Mom and she was so blessed. Let's teach our kids to be thankful and thereby good stewards of their possessions and that will carry into their actions toward others.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tip of the Day 4/26/11

Let's see if we can make life a little less complicated and harried each morning as your children dress for the day. Each Sunday pick out 5 outfits for the week, let the kids help choose, stack them with underware, socks, and shoes if appropriate on a shelf. Each night before bed have your child pick from the stack what they would like to wear the next day.  This helps eliminate the rush and confusion each morning and still gives your child choices. Keep clothes that your child can choose from on the weekends in a separate drawer or shelf and give them free reign to mix and match to their hearts content. This is also a great tool for caregivers of elderly loved ones. Remove the clothing from the hangar and place on a shelf within their reach. The loved one still has a choice and will appreciate the independence and convenience.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tip of the Day 4/25/11

This week we will look at some tips to help make life easier for children or elderly family members. Children want to learn to do everything for themselves, including bathing and washing their own hair. We have all experienced half a bottle of shampoo being used during one bath as our child attempts to wash their own hair. Now you can help them learn the proper amount to use as well as have an easy bottle to handle by using those great little bottles you got from the hotel you stayed in on vacation. Just refill them with your own brand of shampoo and little hands will be able to handle them easily. This is also a great way for your elderly loved ones to maintain some independence and anyone with arthritis or other pain issues can benefit from this tip as well.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Tip of the Day 4/22/11

As we enter this weekend of setting aside time to remember the death and resurrection of Jesus, I pray that each of you know Him as your Savior. Not a head knowledge, but a heart knowledge. The 18 inches between your heart and head are all it will take to keep you from spending eternity rejoicing in His presence.  I would love to spend eternity with all of you because you are my friends.  Jesus called us His friends and wants to spend eternity with you as well.  He died to prove it.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tip of the Day 4/21/11

The next in our Thursday Spring Cleaning Tips. Hopefully you have accomplished the previous ones since you had a couple of extra weeks without new tips. In keeping with our theme of paper clutter this week, today we will start the process to conquer the desktop, dining room table, counter top, or other flat surfaces in your home that have been overtaken by incoming paperwork.
The starting point is throwing away, shredding, and recycling everything you possible can. At the end of this session all that should be left and placed on your desk or area for bill paying is a stack of papers the REQUIRE attention, bills,non-expired invitations, tax-related filing, correspondence in need of a reply. Do not attempt to do any of those things today unless the electric bill is due tomorrow or a child needs a permission slip returned by tomorrow. Today's goal is simply to get rid of all the unneeded paperwork that is clouding your vision. Your next goal is to commit to paperwork not touching the flat surfaces in your home until you have stood over the recycle bin, trash can, and paper shredder. The only things left in your hands should be items that REQUIRE action. Catalogs and store fliers are not required reading unless you have been waiting for that particular one in order to purchase a pre-planned/needed item. Be firm in your resolve and reclaim the space you can't see for it's original intended purpose, like dinner together as a family at the table instead of in front of the TV. :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tip of the Day 4/20/11

In order to remember ideas/info heard on TV or in your head in the middle of the night, keep a notebook and pen or your smart phone near the place you sit to watch TV.  Keep the same items next to your side of the bed and you will be able to go back to sleep easily without worrying about forgetting.   

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tip of the Day 4/19/11

Today's Paper control tip is dealing with magazines. As we read a magazine we always see things we think we might like to try, a recipe, a new way to apply eye shadow, a book recommendation, a web site. As you read turn down the corner of any pages that appear to be something you would like to try. When you finish the magazine go back and re-read those particular articles, if they still interest you tear out the page.  Keep a file folder of recipes you want to try, if you like it add the recipe to your collection, if not, toss the page.  Keep a file of tips you want to try, clean the file out every 6 months.  If you haven't tried the tip in that time, you probably won't.  If you are an avid reader keep a spreadsheet of books you want to read or purchase.  Add the recommendation to the list without tearing the page out of the magazine, one less piece of clutter.  If the magazine is still readable, donate to a Dr.'s office, etc. or recycle.  Don"t keep it around, you got your money's worth from it.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tip of the Day 4/18/11

It has been a couple of weeks since I have posted a tip of the day and many of you are aware it has been a difficult time.  My Mom passed away, very unexpectedly the afternoon of my last post.  Our family is moving forward by God's grace and in His strength.  Thank you to all of you that have prayed for us and please continue as we walk this journey.
Lists can be so helpful if used efficiently. Since today is Tax Day here is a tip you can begin putting into practice to be more prepared for next year. Instead of having garage sales I choose to donate my items to charity. Because I do not purchase a lot of things I don't use I don't have enough unused items to have a sale. A few months ago I suggested you start a give-away box.  At the end of each month list the items collected in a spread sheet on your computer, take the items to the charity of your choice, and put the receipt in your tax file. The detailed list will be used for your tax filing the following year. It is a simple process and a great way to keep the clutter under control.