Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tip of the Day 6/21/12

99 Days of Summer: Strawberries are one of the sweetest things about early summer. Today would be a great day to find a u-pick field and have some fun. If you can't indulge in picking your own, at least buy a quart and enjoy a fresh strawberry salad and then shortcake for dinner tonight. I am hungry just thinking about it.
Word for Today, Others: There is a commercial currently on TV that I actually enjoy seeing. It portrays people doing what we have come to know as "paying it forward." "Random Acts of Kindness" has become a catch phrase in our society. So often, it seems, the news only tells us about the ugliness that people commit toward their fellow man and then they tag a "feel good" story on the end of the broadcast. It is like being kind to others is an after thought and sadly the exception to man's behavior. Would that we would purpose in our hearts to, "let each esteem others more highly than himself." What can you do for someone else today? "Jesus of Nazareth...went about doing good."

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tip of the Day 6/20/12

99 Days of Summer: We have already been enjoying many weeks of summer temperatures and activities. For most of us we view Memorial Day as the official start of summer and that is what the "99 Days of Summer" is based on, Memorial Day to Labor Day. However, today at 7:09 PM EDT is the official Summer Solstice. This is when the sun reaches its furthest point north of the equator. The sun appears to stand still and we experience the longest day of the year. This would be the perfect day to do something you can only do in the summer. A lot of our summer activities can be done at other times of the year, but there is one you can only experience in the summer, watching the fireflies come out. If you have never experienced the beauty of this, plan a vacation to an area where you can. It is worth it. Enjoy every minute of today.
Word for Today, Fair: There is a story in the Bible about workers being hired at different times of the day, but all being paid the same. The workers that labored 8 hours didn't think it was fair that the ones that only worked 2 hours were paid the same amount. The employer kept his part of the agreement and therefore it was fair. So many people complain about unfairness, and yet if we have entered into an agreement with someone, whether it is an employer or sales agreement or other transaction, if both parties act according to the original agreement, it is fair. Whining has become an epidemic, someone else is always at fault. When we do not feel we are being treated fairly we need to examine our own actions first. Have I done all I agreed to do in this agreement. It is hard to examine our own hearts and acknowledge we are wrong, but if we follow David's example and acknowledge our own failures we too can be called, "a (man) after God's own heart." That is fair. "Each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor."

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tip of the Day 6/19/12

99 Days of Summer: One of the rights of passage in childhood is the day the training wheels come off your bike. We rejoiced in the freedom of flying down the road on the two wheels of our bike. We could hop on our bike and go anywhere. It was our first source of independence. I still have my first bike, a red Roadmaster. It brings back so many memories of simpler times. We all road without helmets, locks were rare, we clipped baseball cards to the spokes, and had fun bells or baskets. I have found the bike I plan to purchase, it is a "nostalgia" style. I love seeing families out on rides together. Why not plan a ride today. If you don't own a bike consider getting one. Remember the freedom and the fun.
Word for Today, Continual: We are surrounded by things that often seem continual, the neighbors dog barking, rising gas prices, laundry, people complaining, draining bank accounts. When we think about continual things our minds often go to the negative things. In the Bible we are told to set our minds on the things above. Whatsoever things are lovely, pure, of good report, think on these things. We are told to pray without ceasing and for His praise to be continually in our mouth. This may seem impossible living in this fallen world, but we can make the choice to do these things. It isn't easy and it is a continual choice. Choose you this day whom you will serve. Will you dwell on the negatives or seek to praise the Lord through it all and rejoice in Him continually. "Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You." "Every day I will bless You, and I will praise Your name forever and ever."

Monday, June 18, 2012

Tip of the Day 6/18/12

99 Days of Summer: How would you like to help bring back some great childhood memories, save some money, and be green all with one simple action? Consider putting up a clothes line and hanging your sheets outside to dry. As a child I loved it when Mom hung the laundry on the line, but especially the sheets. On a hot day it was so nice to stand between them and cool off. The smell of line dried sheets is heavenly.
Word for Today, Huge: Just over ten years ago the Lord directed Richard and I to move to the St. Joe area and plant a new church which became Calvary Chapel Sunset Coast. As we talk to people we are often asked, "how big is your church" or "is your church growing?" The answer to those questions are not what people see with their eyes, you have to look at the heart of the people of CCSC to know we are huge and have grown so much we can't contain it. We have about 35 people when everyone is there on a Sunday, that includes the children. You see we haven't measured our growth by a head count, we have looked at the hearts and actions of the people that call CCSC their church. We are a body of servers, reaching out to others because we have learned that God's word tells us to be His hands and feet. We came here with the vision of "being the church" to this community and by God's grace we are huge. "You have a little strength, have kept my word, and have not denied my Name." "Who has despised the day of small things?" "Your faith grows exceedingly." What you are doing for the Lord may look small in the eyes of some, but it is HUGE in the light of eternity.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Tip of the Day 6/16/12

99 Days of Summer: We are experiencing a very dry summer here in southwest Michigan. Our yards have already reached the "crunchy" feel that normally doesn't come until August. A lot of people are already watering their lawns. As the temperature has gone up and I have observed the sprinklers going I have wanted to jump into them like we did as kids. Today would be a great day to head to a water fountain park. We are blessed with an awesome one here in St. Joe and I know many towns have them in all shapes and sizes. Of course you could just resort to a sprinkler in the yard and water that dry grass at the same time. Let's do some splashing today.
Word for Today, Walk: Throughout time walking has been a consistent form of exercise. In the past people did not have to work walking into their busy schedule, it was the main way to get anywhere. As fewer people walked our body weights went up. Several years ago a book was written about why French girls could eat the way they do and still be skinny. The secret, they walk everywhere. No wonder the Bible tells us over and over to, "walk by faith," "walk in the spirit," "walk in truth," etc. It is the way to live a healthy Christian life. One of my favorite people in the Bible is Enoch. You may not be familiar with him because there are only 7 verses in the Bible about him in Genesis chapter 5. We are told he was the father Methuselah, the longest living man ever, but that is not why he is a man we should know of. Genesis 5: 24 tells us, "Enoch walked with God, and he was no more, because God took him." Enoch never died, he was "raptured" by God. From what we are told in the verse the most important aspect of his life was that he "walked with God." We do not know why God took him, but this is an example to me and I want to have it said of me, "she walked with God." Are you walking with God? It is the key to your eternal health.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Tip of the Day 6/15/12

99 Days of Summer: Ice Cream is one of the greatest food groups. Yes, some of us consider it a food group. I personally believe all ice cream should contain nuts. Every one has their personal favorites. Ice cream parlors are always coming up with new flavor combinations. Last summer we took a couple of our grandchildren to a yogurt shop where you pay by the ounce. You start out by putting in the flavors of yogurt you want then add all the toppings you want to try from huge dispensers. When the kids were finished building their bowls they had almost $20 worth of yogurt and toppings. Ice cream sundae bars are the perfect summer dinner, in my opinion. It can be healthy, sort of, and still be a blast. Set up a table filled with as many toppings as you can come up with. Be creative, not just the usual sprinkles, syrups, and nuts. Try some fresh herbs and fruits, cereal, pretzels, etc. Healthy cookies and cakes make a great base and stick with just Real vanilla ice cream to build on. Your kids will love you for this "dinner." This is a also a fun "dinner" party for adults.
Word for Today, Secrets: One of my favorite childhood books is, "The Secret Language." It is the story of two young girls in a boarding school who come up with their own language to communicate with each other because they feel left out. My friend, Sharlene, and I tried to come up with our own because it was like a special bond between us. We all have friends that we can communicate with in special ways. As parents we can understand the babbling of our children and spouses can communicate without even speaking. Often I have heard people say, "I have tried to read the Bible, but can't understand it." We are told that God spoke to us "in Son." This is like a secret language if you don't know His Son. "The secret of the Lord is with those who fear (know) Him." Jesus said, "I call you friends." If we acknowledge Jesus as our Savior we are His friend and will understand all He says to us. It will no longer be a "Secret Language."

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tip of the Day 6/14/12

99 Days of Summer: Today we celebrate Flag Day. Most people don't even know that this day exists and just like D-Day don't know what it stands for. June 14 is the anniversary of the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the official flag of the United States of America in 1777. This would be a great day to re-learn the proper care of our flag. This used to be taught in school, but is no longer. We see the flag hung at half mast for all kinds of people, torn flags, and on and on. Let's teach our children the proper respect for this symbol of our freedom and demonstrate our pride in our country once again. You can find information at
Word for Today, Content: It is so easy to get caught up in chasing after what we think we need to bring us the elusive feeling of contentment. If I only made more money, if I only had a bigger house, if I only had a different spouse, if I only ... Maybe there are unfulfilled dreams that you are pursuing because you believe that will bring the contentment you feel you are missing. Sometimes these things are good and sometimes they are bad for us. How can we know the difference? If what we are pursuing in seeking personal satisfaction is at the expense of relationships with our family, friends, and most of all God, it is wrong. The "thing" itself may not be wrong, but we may need to examine our method of pursuit. Is it all consuming? Many people misquote the verse in the Bible regarding money. It does not say, "money is the root of evil," but rather, "the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." What are you pursuing in this life that has drawn you away from seeking the Lord and His righteousness first? "The cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful." " Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you."

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tip of the Day 6/13/12

99 Days of Summer: Today is the perfect time to create Wacky Wednesdays. If you have children have them help you think of some silly/fun things to do all summer. Place all the ideas in a jar and draw one out each week. Be creative with this. The sillier the better for the kids. As an adult you could use the day to cheer up your co-workers. Take little bottles of bubbles to everyone at work, or a cookie jar on your desk for everyone to help themselves to. Laughter is good medicine and Wednesday is a good day to bring it.
Word for Today, Guilty: If you were brought before a judge and jury to be tried on the charge of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? "I know Whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that day." I want to hear said of me, "guilty as charged."

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tip of the Day 6/12/12

99 Days of Summer: Remember as a child begging your Mom to let you have a lemonade stand. You would sell those little cups for a dime and this was your first taste of big business. In reality it probably cost more than you made, but it is a great pursuit for children. If you have never made fresh homemade lemonade, try doing it today. Or try adding fresh limes or lemons to water for a refreshing summer drink. Determine to drink healthy this summer and set aside the sugary drinks that will weigh you down literally and financially. It is a great season to start a new habit of health.
Word for Today, Best: It has been said that "the greatest enemy of the best is second best." It is so easy to settle for second best, it looks so good and is so much cheaper. When we settle for second best we will pay for it in the end, it will always end up costing us more. Cheap imitations are everywhere, but they are all flawed. What are you sacrificing in order to pursue a relationship that you believe will bring fulfillment? Are you pouring yourself into a job to the detriment of your family? Second best always looks good initially, but in end will fall apart. In the book of Revelation we are told that the church in the city of Ephesus started out strong, serving the Lord, but went back to their old ways. They were called to "return to their first love." The church in Galatia was chastised and called fools because they had turned from trusting in the Lord to trying to accomplish things on their own. Have you chased after things that have drawn you away from the Lord? Relationships and providing for your family are good things if the Lord is directing them and He remains the best. Don't settle for second best. In the end it will fall apart.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Tip of the Day 6/11/12

99 Days of Summer: Now that summer is in full swing this is a great time to learn a new skill. Several years ago Richard and I decided that instead of a vacation we would do a "staycation" and take cooking lessons. It was so much fun and we have really benefited from all we learned. What have you always wanted to learn how to do and just never pursued? I have always wanted to learn how to weave on a loom and saw a store this weekend that I am going to check with for lessons. Remember the movie from a couple of years ago "Julie and Julia" about the woman that cooked her way through Julia Child's cookbook? Checkout a book or videos from the library and learn from them. PBS Create channel offers great teaching programs for everything from painting to knitting. Craft stores and home improvement stores offer classes and free workshops on a variety of topics for kids and adults. Let's get up and learn something this summer, stop dreaming and start doing.
Word for Today, Continue: Richard tells a story of a farmer whose neighbors questioned his odd behavior. Everyday they saw him out in his field walking around holding an open book over his head pointing to the words and talking to the sky. When questioned about this he said he was reminding God of his promises in the Bible and asking for them to be fulfilled. He trusted God to do all He had said He would do. Since the farmer had children that were struggling he was reminding God of the promise that said, he and all his household would be saved. Never give up, if God has promised He will do it. Continue in prayer and love and wait to see God work. "When he was still a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran and kissed him."

Friday, June 8, 2012

Tip of the Day 6/8/12

99 Days of Summer: We are very blessed to live in an area that after the sun goes down the temperature drops and we can enjoy cool pleasant evenings. This is especially nice for lighting a fire in the fire pit. Since it is still early in the summer most of us should still be experiencing cool evenings, so how about a fire this evening? Roast hot dogs, make s'mores or what we call s'mothers (sub peanut butter cups for the chocolate bar), and sing some fun songs. Linger outside and enjoy the beauty of a cool summer night.
Word for Today, Linger: Do you have a favorite fragrance? Maybe it is a perfume or a flower. When we love the smell of something we want that fragrance to linger. Memories and people or events are often associated with a fragrance. Sometimes we can walk into a room and know who was there before us because of the lingering fragrance. Incense has a very strong fragrance that lingers and you are able to enjoy it for a long time. The Bible tells us that, "our prayers rise as incense before the throne of God." What a beautiful picture of our words, the cries of our heart, lingering before God for Him to enjoy. Our words do not just go in one ear and out the other. They cling to Him and He enjoys them. What do you want Him to think about you today?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tip of the Day 6/7/12

99 Days of Summer: Summer and Garage Sales just go together. We live in an awesome garage saleing community. The sales usually run Thursday - Saturday and I can easily go to 15 - 20 within a 5 mile radius of my house. Most people do not even put an ad in the paper, just good signage, and they will have a great turnout. As I have become a fan of this type of "green" shopping I have developed a few strategies that work well to get the most for my money. I never go first thing in the morning when the big crowds hit. It is frustrating and I believe there is nothing that important that I need to fight a crowd for. By waiting until later in the day when the crowd thins out you are usually able to bargain more. This is even better on the second day. Shop with a sense of adventure, but also with some purpose. It is true that one man's trash is another man's treasure, but it is also true that one man's trash can still be trash even when another person buys it. Really think before you make the purchase. Take measurements with if you are shopping for something specific like curtains, don't settle for something just because it is a "bargain," clutter is still clutter. Take a chance on a big bargain box. As a crafter and sewer I am always willing to pay up to $5 for the big box of mystery craft or sewing supplies. Even if I only end up with 2 or 3 usable items from the box it is a good deal. Last year I purchased 2 huge boxes of sewing supplies for $1 each. The brand new pair of Fiskars Pinking Shears in one of the boxes more than paid for anything I couldn't use. The key to this type of purchase is to go through the box as soon as you get home, sort out the keepers and put the rest in the give away box immediately. The key to successful garage saleing is just like any other shopping, do it with purpose, in other words have a list, and enjoy it. Come home with the occasional, "I don't know what I will do with it, but I had to have it" item. Just don't make it a habit. Happy saleing.
Word for Today, Forget: Due to some medical issues in the past I have some major memory lose for a portion of several years. It has been a cause of stress for many reasons and also a source of sadness as I realize there are events I cannot remember. One of the reasons I took on my project of sorting photos to send to my girls was to try to bring back some memories. But as I struggle to bring back those memories I realize only the Lord can bring them back. Wouldn't it be awesome if all the bad things in our lives could be taken so completely from our memory. We often hear people say, "I have forgiven that person, but I will NEVER forget what they did." This is so opposite of what our Savior does for us. When we bring up a sin we have confessed and asked forgiveness for His response is, "I have no memory of that." Teach us Lord to not just say we forgive, but to be able to forget. "I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins."

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tip of the Day 6/6/12

99 Days of Summer: Today is the anniversary of D-Day and would be the perfect opportunity to learn more about "The Greatest Generation." Saving Private Ryan or The Longest Day are two accurate portrayals of the events of that day. Lest we forget.
Word for Today, More: Most families have favorite lines from movies or songs that we quote to each other. Or there are inside jokes and sayings that only those closest to us "get." A couple of years ago the movie "Tangled" inspired one of my granddaughters to always say "I love you more" whenever I say "I love you" to her. It is very precious to me because I know she means it as much as any person can. We are told in the Bible that, "We love Him (Jesus) because He first loved us." "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." This is the ultimate, "I love you more" statement.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tip of the Day 6/5/12

99 Days of Summer: Today is the release of the much anticipated new album by The Beach Boys, "That's Why God Made the Radio." The album is to celebrate their 50th, yes you read that right, anniversary. It is the original band members and was recorded at their original studio. Their voices are still strong, the words and the music can still transport you to a simpler time, and it is just fun to listen to. Enjoy the memories and introduce your kids to some fun summertime tunes.
Word for Today, Live: "In Him we live and move and have our being." This is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. It humbles me and at the same time causes me to rejoice. I recognize from these simple words that I am nothing and God is everything. In myself I have nothing to boast of. Without Him I would not even exist. "By the grace of God I am what I am." I love knowing that God wanted me to exist. He not only loves me, but He actually likes me. He wants to spend time with me and I love spending time with Him. He sees the good in me when others see the bad or inadequate. "He, being full of compassion, remembered that we are but flesh."

Monday, June 4, 2012

Tip of the Day 6/4/12

99 Days of Summer: One of the favorite summer activities of kids is forming a club. "Boys Only" or "No Boys Allowed" signs might appear on a backyard playhouse or garage door. Made up passwords and rules to follow. Weekly meetings that consist of drinking lemonade and reading comic books or these days playing video games. Why not help your kids form a backyard club this summer. Maybe you have always wanted to be a part of a book club or cooking club. If you don't know where to join one, start your own. Maybe you could teach some friends how to crochet or knit. If you aren't ready to start one yourself check your library or bookstores for a book club, a local craft store can direct you to a knitting group. Whatever your interests you can find a group of people to join in the fun.
Word for Today, Robe: Have you ever stayed at a hotel that had big fluffy white robes in your room or maybe you spent a day at a spa and they wrapped you in a fluffy white robe afterward. I have a big fluffy white winter robe and a lighter weight white robe for summer. For some reason most fluffy robes seem to be white. The feeling of being wrapped in one after a shower or long bath is luxurious. You feel clean and secure. We have been promised a white robe of righteousness to be wrapped in for all eternity if we only believe that we can do nothing to earn it. It is a gift from God when we believe in Jesus and His righteousness. My robe of my flesh is like filthy rags, but He covers me in His clean white fluffy robe forever. "He has covered me with the robe of righteousness." "The righteousness of God is through faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all who believe."

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Tip of the Day 6/2/12

99 Days of Summer: It is a beautiful early summer Saturday and the perfect day for a trip to the zoo. The animals will be happy you came. Pack a picnic lunch and head out. Consider purchasing a membership. Many zoos offer memberships that are good at other zoos and museums. This can be a great value for a family. Many also offer grandparent memberships. Have fun!!!
Word for Today, Inheritance: Do you know what your inheritance is? Most of us have said at some time in our life that we wish their was that wealthy relative we were unaware of that would decide to leave the $$$ we didn't know they had to us. Chances of that happening are pretty slim. But we have been given a great inheritance that is worth more than all the $$$ in the world. I am so grateful that my parents passed it on to me, just as their parents passed it on to them and we have sought to pass it on to our children and grandchildren. It is a gift of knowledge of eternal life. My parents taught me that I cannot enter heaven just because they believe, I need to have my own faith and acceptance of Jesus. Maybe you did not receive this gift of knowledge from your parents, but that doesn't exempt you from becoming an heir of Christ. Belief in Jesus as your Savior is the "secret." Not hard at all. He is so awesome, why would you turn down the inheritance He has promised you. " O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance." "Heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ."

Friday, June 1, 2012

Tip of the Day 6/1/12

99 Days of Summer: Stop at your local Chamber of Commerce or Tourism office and pick up some brochures on activities in your area and plan to be a "tourist" this summer. It is amazing how many things you can find to do in your own town that you never think about. Put each of the activities on a slip of paper and pull one out each time you are looking for someplace to go for the day.
Word for Today, Longsuffering. We live in an agricultural smorgasboard here in southwest Michigan. From May - October there are fruit stands on seemingly every corner and the Farmer's Market is bursting with new produce every week. Starting with the asparagus and ending with the grapes and pumpkins, with everything in between our taste buds are delighted. As we enjoy the literal fruits of our neighbors labors it is easy to forget what he has gone through to produce this feast for us. This spring brought an early heat wave to our area followed by some late freezes which destroyed a lot of the grape and apple crop. It is heartbreaking to see a farmer that can't make it through another year. They are a picture of true longsuffering. As Christians we are told that longsuffering is part of the fruit we bear in this life. It is actually a sign that we belong to Christ and are filled with His Spirit. When we read the list of the fruit of the Spirit in our lives we love the other ones, love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, but God put longsuffering right in the middle of that list. Just like the farmer we must endure everything thrown our way in order to bear good fruit. We are not alone in the journey. We are told God is longsuffering and will help us as we seek to be as well. "The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth."