Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tip of the Day 4/24/12

Glassware of every shape and size, plastic kids cups from restaurants, adult cups from sporting events, coffee mugs, and water bottles are overflowing in America's kitchen cupboards. We grab a clean one every time we get a drink and use different styles for different types of drinks. I have a large variety of glassware because I like to use certain ones for certain drinks. I rarely drink pop at home, but when I do it needs to be in my pink Eskimo Joe's stadium cup. It just tastes better. Milk is always in glass, never plastic, and water is in the red cups because I keep one sitting out and it matches my kitchen decor. We only drink British tea from a set of mugs we were given as a gift; I know exactly the right amount of sugar and milk needed in those mugs. Several years ago I cleared out all of the unwanted plastic cups, partial sets of glassware, and ugly coffee mugs. I purchased some acrylic stem ware hangers like you see in bars and restaurants and hung all my pretty stem ware under my kitchen cabinets. They were very inexpensive at Bed, Bath, and Beyond and they look great in my kitchen. We re-use the same cup all day for water and drink our tea every morning from the same cup. Everything fits in one cabinet and an avalanche does not fall out of the cabinet when opening the door. It is another space that I could proudly have a glass front door. Take 15 minutes and clear out all your excess and enjoy the freedom of being able to access the cup or glass you need, or WANT.
Word for Today, Visit: One of my favorite things as a child growing up in Colorado was a visit from family that lived in Oklahoma. My sister and I would stand at the door watching for the car to pull into the driveway. As an adult living away from family I anticipate those visits still. Having someone you love make the effort to come visit you is such a pleasure. We clean and bake, make plans for fun things to do together, and prepare a comfortable place for them to rest. When the visitors leave we are always sad and feel an emptiness. One set of my granddaughters that live in Chicago always put the windows down as they drive off down the street and wail very loudly. It is a funny tradition they started many years ago, but there is always sadness when they drive off. 2000 years ago God sent His Son, Jesus, to visit us. He stayed here on earth for three years and when He left to go back home His followers were broken hearted. They cried and tried to make themselves busy to not think about Him being gone. These days we have pictures, and letters, and email, and Skype to keep us connected to those we love that are far away, but Jesus' followers didn't. But Jesus wanted to stay in constant contact with them, so He moved into their hearts in the form of the Holy Spirit. The glorious thing is He lives the same way in each of us that believe in Him. Have you made a comfortable spot in your heart for Him to visit? He will "never leave you. God will surely visit you."

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