Tip of the Day 4/5/12
It is Maundy Thursday and most of us that grew up in protestant churches do not know the meaning of that title. It is the feast or holy day on the Thursday before Easter remembering Jesus washing of the disciples feet and the Last Supper we read about in John 13. In Jesus day when guests arrived at your home a servant would wash away the dirt from your feet since you had traveled the hard and dusty road. Jesus humbled Himself as a servant to wash His disciples feet on this night before His death for them. Take time today and see what you need Jesus to wash out of your life. Return to Him and allow Him to not just wash the dust from your feet, but as Peter cried, "wash all of me."
Word for Today, Sheep: Sheep are considered to be one of the dumbest animals. They put themselves into danger and do not know how to escape, if they fall over they can't get up without help, they can starve unless led to good water and pasture, they are basically helpless without a shepherd. No wonder we followers of Christ are called sheep, we fit all these descriptions. My favorite praise chorus is from Psalm 95, "Come let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our God, our Maker. For He is our God and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand." The shepherd cares for his sheep and this Psalm depicts us being cared for by our gentle Shepherd. But this Psalm also depicts His power and strength, "Come, let us sing for joy to the Rock of our salvation. For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In His hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to Him. The sea is His, for He made it, and His hands formed the dry land." We serve an amazing God, Jesus, who is everything, made everything, and does as He wills, and yet 2000 years ago He humbled Himself to the will of His Father and was led like a lamb to the slaughter for you and for me. He spoke not a word in His defense and took all of our guilt and shame on himself just so that we can live with Him forever. My Shepherd loves me and wants only good for me. He laid down His life to save me.
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