Friday, April 27, 2012

Tip of the Day 4/27/12

Now that we have streamlined the kitchen and pantry by getting rid of duplicates, unused items, and broken or unliked items it is time to do the same in your linen closet. It is very practical to choose a neutral towel and sheet color that can be interchanged and used in any bath or bedroom in the house. Accessories are easy to update and don't require purchasing all new linens or changing the colors of the walls. Each person has an idea of what the neutral color is that will work in their own home. For years blue was my neutral, it was in every room of the house. Today my neutral is red. It runs throughout my home flowing from one room to the next. White is not the most practical neutral to choose especially with young children. Do not go out and buy all new linens, but as you need to replace items begin to re-build in a neutral color. Until that time, reduce what you have by getting rid of paper thin sheet sets with no elastic left in the corners, towels without any pile left, and the avalanche of blankets that fall out on you when you open the door. There is NO need for more than two sets of sheets per bed. Determine if you really need 6 towels per person. Environmentally you should be using your towels at least twice. While one set is being laundered, there is a second set to use. Along with an extra set for guests and you have minimized the linen closet clutter. Be ruthless as you go through the linens. Just like with clothing, if it hasn't seen the light of day in a year, it goes.
Word for Today, Images: For the past few days I have been going through photographs, sorting out ones to send to my daughters. It is bitter sweet as the memory of childhoods gone by and loved ones no longer here pass before I my eyes. Photographs can stir up happy memories, they can reveal truths, and cause us to wish for days gone by. I wish I still fit in my clothes from 20 years ago and am happy to think I still like how they looked (well, most of them anyway). I look at pictures of old friends and am grateful to still have so many still in my life and others that we have recently re-connected through social media. As I look at the pictures of my girls growing into beautiful young women, I am grateful to see their smiles. Throughout time man has attempted to give us a "picture" of our Savior. But there is not one that shows us his real physical image. Thankfully God knew that everyone that loves His Son would want to know what He looked like here on earth, just like every proud parent wants to show the world how beautiful their child is. So, God painted a picture of Jesus for us and it is found on every page of the Bible. Just like a blind person doesn't have to see the face of the one they love to know them, we know our Savior. "He is beautiful beyond description, too marvelous for words, too wonderful for comprehension, like nothing ever seen or heard. Who can grasp His infinite wisdom, who can fathom the depth of His love. He is beautiful beyond description. Majesty enthroned above." And I stand in awe of Him.

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