Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tip of the Day 4/3/12

With Spring here and warmer weather we love to move our activities and off hours outside. None of us want to spend that time in a messy unattractive yard. We all want our yard to look like the pictures in magazines or on HGTV, but that isn't realistic for the majority of our budgets. That doesn't mean we can't have a very inviting space outdoors. Of course the first step is just cleaning it up, keep the yard mowed, keep the junk picked up, just like inside your home neatness goes a long way and your neighbors will appreciate it. Maybe your deck is getting old and you just can't afford a new one, fix any small hazards and paint it. If your lawn furniture has seen better days consider painting it and adding new cushions. This is much less expensive than all new. Look around your garage or basement for items you can re-purpose to decorate your outside space, be creative. Today I am sanding down the picnic table and repainting it and repainting the deck. We added a lattice "wall" to one side of our deck a few years ago for some privacy since we like to eat outside almost every evening, but it is also a great surface to hang some decor to brighten the area. Paint and re-purpose pots and planters, mirrors, etc. Use those pictures in the magazines to inspire you and start enjoying the great outdoors.
Word for Today, Thoughts: When we can't sleep (which seems to be a rampant problem from what I read in so many of your posts) it is often because we can't "turn our thoughts off." Our lives are so stimulated and over-active that we can't shut down and really rest. We run things over and over in our minds and try to fix things just by dwelling on them. There is only One who can solve the problems we encounter by His thoughts and we need to seek Him for the answers to whatever we are facing. "'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,' says the Lord. 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. My word that goes forth from My mouth shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please.'"

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