Monday, April 16, 2012

Tip of the Day 4/16/12

I am a firm believer that one of the causes of so many of the health issues Americans face are directly related to our eating habits. We eat too many processed foods, too many meals out instead of home-cooked, we eat too fast and too much, not often enough (skipping meals) or too often (junk all day and no real meal). We have forgotten the pleasure and benefits of sitting down and enjoying the food. Food was given to us to nourish our bodies and the time spent eating it should nourish our spirits. Purpose to spend at least one meal a day sitting and eating slowly. Prepare home cooked meals. If you are single invite someone to join you one evening a week. They will appreciate it as much as you will. This week we will look at several ways to add joy to meal time. Today decide on a special meal you would like to prepare one evening this week (it can be the weekend) and begin planning for it. Make a list of the ingredients you will need and who will take part in the meal. We will look at preparation, atmosphere, etc. in the next few days.
Word for Today, Might: Each day we face situations that can drain us of our might. It seems we are not strong enough to stand in the face of so much that comes our way. Often we waver under the pressure and fall because of the burdens. But there is One who desires to carry the burdens and Whose might will never fail in the battle. Look to Him and roll your burdens onto Him. "No, not by might, nor even power, but by Thy Spirit, O God. Our Redeemer is strong. I, the Lord, am your Savior, and your Redeemer, Mighty to save."

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