Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tip of the Day 5/30/12

99 Days of Summer: One of my favorite summer memories as a child was going to the dime store, TG & Y in Tulsa, with my Nanny or Grandma Hanks and getting a new toy. One of my favorites was a new coloring book, always Barbie, and a box of crayons. That is still one of my favorite things to look at in our local dime store. Why not pick up a coloring book and crayons for yourself and remember the simple pleasure.
Word for Today, Boundaries: As parents we are often given the advice that our children want to know what the boundaries are. It makes them feel safe. We like to know what the rules are in a game and want others to obey them. Human nature leads us to push as close to the boundaries as possible. At sometime in our lives we have all considered the boundaries to be meant for someone else. Whether we agree with the rules or not does not mean we can just arbitrarily choose which ones to obey. A society without boundaries would be chaos. God has set boundaries for our lives just like any good parent does for his children. We can choose to ignore them, but in the end we will know they were for our good. There is a huge quarry near Chicago that the highway goes through the middle of. I have a friend that lived near the quarry as a child and, of course, was forbidden from going near it. Like typical kids she and her friends ignored their parents warnings and would jump the fence and see who could ride their bike as close to the edge as possible. This is such a picture of how many people live their life, as close to the edge as possible. It may not seem as exciting to live by the rules, but in the end you will be thankful for the rewards of choosing to stay within the boundaries. "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction."

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