Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tip of the Day 5/3/12

Here are a few basics to help propel you forward and keep that Dee-Clutter state of mind going.
1) Start every day with a good breakfast. Energy will propel you forward.
2) Tackle just one drawer. Periodically doing this task will keep you caught up. Once a month I go through the drawer in my desk where I stash things I think I might want or need. It is amazing how much goes right into the trash.
3) Do it now. If you can do it in under a minute, just do it. It takes less than a minute to put a dish in the dishwasher instead of the sink.
4) Clean your microwave. The leftover funky smells will permeate other foods you heat up. If there is stuck on food, bring 4 tablespoons lemon juice to a boil in a microwave safe dish. This will loosen the stuck on goop and you can wipe it away.
5) Count to ten. If you feel overwhelmed by the clutter or general messiness in your home or office, return 10 things to their rightful place and you will feel clam start to sink in. This is a propel you forward action.
6) Clean out your medicine cabinet. This is a good practice every 6 months.
7) Organize your jewelry. Get rid of what you don't wear and enjoy being able to find what you want to wear.
8) Alphabetize your spices. It really does make a difference.
9) Clean out your underwear drawer. Get rid of anything you would not want to be caught wearing in an accident.
10) Place a "To the Thrift Store" box or bag by the back door or in your car and try to fill it up at least once a month.
Forward motion is good and you can do it.
Word for Today, Perfection: The meaning of reputation is who you are when everyone is looking, character is who you are when no one is. We all want to be seen as perfect, but of course, no one is. That is why tabloids post pictures of celebrities at their worst, it is supposed to make us feel better. We all have standards we choose to compare ourselves to, or we put pressure on ourselves because of statements made by others, even family or friends. Sadly it is sometimes those closest to us that can make us feel the most inadequate, but there is only one person whose opinion of us matters for eternity. This does not absolve us from living rightly before others, it just means when we fail or stumble we know the one who is called "the Lover of our soul" will be there to pick us up. He will never bring up our past failures, He will never ridicule or point out flaws, not even in jest. He is perfect and in Him so are we. "You shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect."

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