Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tip of the Day 5/31/12

99 Days of Summer: For many of us we have fond memories of lazy summer days spent reading stacks of books. This is still one of my favorite activities any time of year, but summer and reading just seem to go hand in hand. Most libraries sponsor a summer reading program for kids and many do for adults as well. This is always fun to participate in, but why not create your own. I choose a genre or author to read throughout the summer and choose a reward for myself when I finish my list. This is a great motivation to move out of my comfort zone or learn about a new topic. This summer I have chosen books on France and will treat myself to a French manicure at the end of the list. It works well for kids as well. They will enjoy getting to choose a new topic to read about all summer. An example for kids would be reading through the Anne of Green Gables series, then at the end of the summer host a party based on Anne's funny party hosting experience. Ask the kids for ideas and jump into some exciting adventures this summer.
Word for Today, Fulfilled: Last week I was enjoying some time just talking to the Lord praying for many of you. I was about to say amen when I felt like I was supposed to pray for my own healing of my back. I have been believing I was going to be healed, so I hadn't actually prayed for myself. As I prayed I knew beyond a doubt that God was going to heal me and my pain level went from a 8 - 10 down to about a 6 for the first time in months. Because I was feeling so much better I had to resist the temptation to overdo. (I know none of you would think I would overdo. LOL) The next morning I was scheduled to see the neurosurgeon and at the last minute he had to cancel. It was clear to me I had been trusting in the surgeon for my healing, not in the Lord. The Lord might use a surgeon or doctor for my healing, but my faith was not to be in man. During the same day a friend shared with Richard her experience with a new chiropractor and he believed I was to see him. After seeing him yesterday I believe God is using this man to bring about His promise to me for healing. God is the Great Physician and the extent of my healing is ultimately in His hands. My responsibility is to listen for his voice and follow His leading. This verse was part of my devotional reading this morning and I am so grateful God speaks when I stop to listen. "Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord." Luke 1: 45

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