Monday, September 10, 2012

Tip of the Day 9/10/12

105 Days 'til Christmas: I love the Upper Midwest, and our corner of Michigan, for many reasons. One of the top reasons is 4 real seasons. For many years I traveled to southern California in October to attend a conference. One year I was with a friend who is from there and remember her commenting on how she loved the feeling of the changing of the seasons. Having left Chicago to travel out there I always had a hard time packing because I had put away most of my warm weather clothes, what little color was on my legs had begun to fade, and I could never figure out how to dress for Fall without sweaters and boots. 90 degrees just did not feel like Fall to me. Living in the Upper Midwest has taught me there are more than just 4 "seasons" to live with though. We have Earwig Season when it is cool and rainy in May. There is Dust Season when it is cool enough to have the windows open, but not much rain, in July and Au
gust. Late September and October usher in Mice in the House Season as the corn is harvested. My favorite is mid-October, Welches Grape Juice Factory Season, when all the vineyards are harvested and when you step outside that is what you smell. Right now, late August-early September is Cobweb Season. They are every where. No matter how clean your house is, you will discover one in a corner you dusted the day before. This past week we watched as a large spider created a beautiful web suspended right outside the French doors to the deck. It was so fascinating to watch "Charlotte" work spinning her web. We stood for a while just watching her. The web was about 10" x 10" when we had to sweep it away. It was right in our faces as we walked out the door. As fascinating as they are, no one wants to walk into a web. Several years ago I discovered a huge web right outside my front door by walking into it. We don't go in or out that door every day, so it was undetected until my face came in contact with it. After much arm  waving, gagging, and yes, spitting, I got the broom to sweep it away only to discover "Charlotte" had deposited hundreds of eggs and all the little spiders seemed to hatch at once when I swept at the web. It was a traumatic experience that I do not care to repeat. So, now is a good time to sweep away the webs around the house. Inside use a long handled duster or broom covered with a washable or disposable cloth to sweep across ceilings, corners, under cabinet edges, and door frames to clear any webs that have been created. Keeping them clear will help keep Cobweb Season from turning into Spider Trauma Season.
Word for Today, Strength: This is such a big word. It can be examined from many aspects, physical, spiritual, personal, corporate, etc. It is the core of our survival. When we are ill, we are weak. When we are facing a tragedy, we are weak. When we face temptation, we are weak. Our bodies begin to weaken as we age or live with a chronic illness. In times of trial we are faced with feelings of not being able to carry on. Some days it seems that the "one more thing" is the one that will send us over the edge. But I have good news, Jesus said, "When you are weak, I am strong." And, "My strength is made perfect in your weakness." He proclaimed, "He is our strength." He doesn't just give us strength, because then it is about us, instead He actually IS our strength, and that makes it all about Him. Are you hurting, are circumstances conspiring against you, does it feel as though you have nothing left to give? Turn to the One who died to carry it all for you, the One who, "bore our sorrows." In Him you will know strength. "My God shall be my strength." "Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you."

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