Tip of the Day 8/14/12
Days of Summer: Today we will take the second step in paring down our
closets. If you have children this is a good time of year to get their
closet under control. For many of us September feels like a new
beginning, so let's start with a fresh, organized closet. Now that you
have sorted the clothing into categories, place like colors together
within each category. This will help you to see that you own 15 black
tops or only 1 green top. Now that they are sorted thoroughly we can
begin eliminating and determining actual needs. Remove anything you
just don't like, (allow the kids to do the same), remove stained or
damaged items and determine if they can be and are worth repairing, try
on anything you are unsure of the fit and be realistic before returning
it to the closet. Today is the day to be ruthless. Get tough and clear
it out!
for Today, Covenant: I love words. It is fun to pronounce an old word
or learn a new one. Our daughter, Desrie', has a love for words as
well. When she was little she loved to say Kankakee River State Park
over and over. One of the most tragic things in modern society is the
dumbing down of our language. Newspapers are written at a third grade
reading level so anyone can read them. The newer versions of the Bible
are written in "modern" language for more people to understand and that
is good, but I love reading the older versions too because the language
is so poetic, beautiful, and powerful. Take the word I have chosen
today, covenant, there is power in this word, just like in the word vow.
Today we would say promise instead of covenant. The word vow is still
used for the words spoken at a wedding, but, sadly, many do not
recognize the depth of them. Throughout the Bible God made covenants
with man, and He alone has kept every one. His covenant with Noah, in
the form of a rainbow, has never been broken and we can trust every
other word He has spoken. He will fulfill every promise He has made to
us. Man will fail us, but God's Word will never fail. He is the only
constant we can place our whole trust in. "He has made with me an
everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and secure."
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