Saturday, August 18, 2012

Tip of the Day 8/18/12

99 Days of Summer: We have come to the end of our closet makeover and even the kids should have been able to get themselves dressed this morning in clothes that are perfect for a Saturday. Our last step is to plan for the week ahead. Based on the events of the next week, and the weather forecast, let the kids pick what they want to wear, and then lay it out each night. Stress levels will go way down. Pick the appropriate attire for yourself and lay it out the night before as well. Include, socks, under garments, shoes, and accessories. You will be amazed at the time saved. Enjoy your "new" wardrobe.

Word for Today, Self: Richard has said in the past that it always scares him to hear someone proclaim they are a "self-made man." Often we think, why would you want to brag about those results. I know I don't want to be held responsible for everything I am, good or bad. However, I recognize the truth, the bad results are my own doing. My parents aren't to blame, nor the school system or the go
vernment. I have the power within me to decide who I will be because I have a free will. So, my choice is to let God mold me into who He wants me to be. He created me, so I figure He knows how I am supposed to turn out. Sometimes the stretching hurts, or there is fire to go through, but I have to trust Him to know what I will be in the end. What hurts more is when I fight against what He is doing in me. Submission isn't always easy, but the results are beautiful. "He who glories, let him glory in the Lord."

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