for Today, Growth: As the lone Sunday School Teacher at Calvary Chapel
Sunset Coast (there are a couple of awesome young ladies that fill in
when needed) I have the privilege and responsibility of planning all of
the lessons for the children. Years of home schooling prepared me for
designing lessons for multi-aged classes. And without kids at home any
longer, teaching each week fills a desire I have. It is a blessing and
honor to be trusted by parents to help lead their children in their
understanding of who our loving Savior is. As a teacher I believe that
all we need to know is intertwined. There isn't a distinction between
science and scripture or grammar and God's Word, all knowledge is
imparted from our Creator. Because of this belief, I have never been
one to just teach stories from the Bible. I want the children to learn
how to apply the lesson behind the story. The theme I chose for 2012
was Wisdom. We have been learning a n
word each week and discovering the people in the Bible that lived out
that word and how the kids can do the same. A few weeks ago I measured
the kids and we talked about growing in wisdom. They learned that they
will grow by reading God's Word. Each week I measure them and a few of
them have grown in height. As they see what they have eaten during the
week is making them grow physically, they are learning that consuming
God's Word each day is helping them grow spiritually. It is so exciting
to hear them share the wisdom they are gaining. As adults it is easy
to feel like we have learned pretty much everything and we no longer
need to be taught or study. It is easy to fall into that trap as a
Christian. We stop attending church and our personal study time begins
to suffer. We become anemic and start filling ourselves up with the
junk food the world has to offer. We need the meat of God's Word and we
need a good chef to prepare it and serve it to us. Find a church where
you will be feed food that makes you grow. Not just rich food, or
sweets, that make you feel full and later leave you wanting and needing
real nourishment. Just as my kids in Sunday School are learning,
knowledge of the Living God is the beginning of wisdom. "Not that we
are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from
ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God."
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