Monday, August 27, 2012

Tip of the Day 8/27/12

99 Days of Summer: We are officially in the last week of summer. It has been a long one for the upper midwest this year, and even longer for a lot of you in other parts of the country. I am enjoying the changing of the seasons and it inspires me to begin preparing for the long midwest winter ahead. The foods of fall and winter are delicious with soups and sauces. B
aking takes a top priority once again. Of course I love the planning for and celebrating the holidays and all the decorating that goes with. Since it is still officially summer, and Michigan, unlike most states, doesn't start school until next week, I will offer some last summer fun ideas, to celebrate the end of the season. According to "Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location." Why not give it a try this week. It would be an awesome way to end the summer whether you are a little kid, or a grown up kid. :) Happy hunting.
 Word for Today, Alert: My husband is a headline reader. He will share a news headline with me, but when I ask for more info he says he didn't read the whole article. He does read full articles, but only when they appear really important. I don't usually watch the news. I stay informed on major issues and am well aware of current events, but discovered I can too easily become distracted or obse
ssed over things that aren't relevant to my desire to walk daily with my Savior. I know I need to be aware of international events, especially in the middle east. It is also important for me to be well informed of politicians positions so I can vote the way I feel led. Crisis' that occur are important to be aware of so I can pray for friends and family whether they are facing a fire, hurricane, or cancer. We live in perilous times and it is easy to become distracted from the things that we need to be focusing on. We can become so involved in a national interest that our spiritual and personal life can suffer. God's Word tells us to be alert, to be aware of the "seasons." The events we see unfolding all around us make us more aware of the impending return of our Savior. There is work for me to do as I walk this earth. I need to be on the alert, not distracted. Am I taking care of my walk with the Lord? Am I doing all I can to make others around me aware that there is a God who loves them and wants to spend eternity with them? Am I taking care of my body, home, and family? "Lord, save me from those things that might distract me. Please take them away and purify my heart." "Now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed."

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