Friday, August 24, 2012

Tip of the Day 8/24/12

99 Days of Summer: The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting cooler. Why not celebrate one of the last Fridays of summer with an outdoor movie night. Set up an outdoor theater in the backyard, make some fun drive-in food for dinner, hotdogs and snow cones would be great, pull out the lounge chairs and blankets, and enjoy a fun night in your own yard. If you aren't up to a do-it-yourself drive-in, take advantage of the earlier start time at a real drive-in and treat yourself and the kids to an old fashioned Friday night adventure.
Word for Today, Work: Yesterday I was thinking about retirement. Many people commented when I left the "work force," going to an office everyday, that I was retiring. Since that time I have often wondered how I found time to work outside my home. I have never been one to sit around doing nothing. I often think of my Grandma Hanks and how she spent her life. She was one of the hardest working women I have ever known. She sewed, for family and many regular customers in Tulsa. I admired her work so much and it inspired me to create beautiful garments. She was always cooking. Eating out was not a regular habit in her home. There was always something cooking in her kitchen. My Grandpa had a huge garden and she canned and preserved all kinds of things. I miss getting my pre-packaged cut and breaded okra from her. Her house was always clean. Her mother lived with her for many years and she cared for her until she died. She and my Grandpa
cooked the Wednesday night fellowship meal at their church for years. She really was a Proverbs 31 woman. She never did retire. A very good Pastor friend, Gayle Erwin, once said, "retiring is living where you want to live and doing what you love to do." So, Richard and I decided we retired when we moved to Michigan. We love our life here and are blessed by the "work" God has given us to do for Him. Have you found that place and peace in your life? We were not created to be miserable in this life. Because of Adam's sin, man was told he would have to labor for his needs. But, when Jesus came He said, "I have come to give you life more abundantly." Yes, we work, but we can find joy in our labor when we allow God to direct our path. "The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; but the soul of the diligent shall be made rich."

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