Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tip of the Day 8/22/12

99 Days of Summer: As summer winds down, it is a good time to take a look around the outside of the house, do repairs, and prep items for next year. Many of the outdoor products are on clearance. Do you need new tiki torches or beach chairs? What about grill tools or flip flops? We can get busy thinking about Fall and forget about these things. Now is the time to stock up on your summer needs. It will be great to start next summer with the items you need and know that you got them at clearance prices.

 Word for Today, Others: It is sad that stories that make the news about someone doing a good deed for someone else are often treated as the exception. An entire news cast will be devoted to all the tragedy and sorrow in the world, and then the closing story will be one little note about something good or kind. Wouldn't it be nice for the nightly news to be just the opposite? Everything from pol
itical ads to TV shows portray people as selfish, and seekers of their own selfish ambitions. Sadly, it is true in many cases. The Bible tells us this is the inherent nature of man, "lovers of self." But when we look beyond the news casts we find others doing good. There are still people that live by what is called "The Golden Rule." Seek to live a life that is for others first, and set aside selfish ambition. In doing so, you will find great reward. When Richard does marital counseling, pre or post, he always talks about putting the other person first. Living this way would solve many issues in life. "Let no one seek his own, but each one the other's well being."

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